Why Larry Elder Will Win the California Recall Election…But He Will Lose a Rigged Election Just Like Trump

Author Wayne Allyn Root

Mohammed Ali once said, “We are not proud if you can do this.” As a result, I brag. I have a good reputation for predicting politics anywhere on the radio or television.

I talk three hours a day on the radio with my program “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network. I also came across 750 of my shows in three years on Newsmax TV.

I have written thousands of newspapers and reviews over the last 10 years. And I have written 14 books.

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My 15th book was released Thursday, “The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book.” My book provides hard-to-find information that will enable 80 million voters to hunt, protest and boycott top 100+ companies. With this book, if any company wakes up, we will make you break.

Together, I can be more public than all politicians, analysts or Americans. I’ve made thousands of prophecies. I hit about .990. I’ve found maybe a dozen wrong predictions in the thousands.

So, here’s my prophecy about the election of the California ambassador …

Gavin Newsom will be remembered and Larry Elder will be California’s next Governor. Unless there is a problem. Because after all the great deception of Democrat votes was put in place, Gavin Newsom will survive the memory and Larry Elder will lose.

I think Larry is great. I have been a fan of Larry Elder for many years. I started my radio career as a guest at Larry’s. I think Larry Elder is what the doctor ordered to destroy California.

Larry will win- if the official votes are counted honestly. But they are not. As Communist dictator Joseph Stalin once said, “Voters do not choose anything. Voters vote for anything.”

California is a failure of public interest. Democrat Democrats count votes in California (and any other Democrat-controlled state).

Larry Elder is about to discover what it is like to be Donald J. Trump. He wants to know what it is like for elections to be rigged by brutal / communist terrorists who will never stop destroying America. They are about to face fraudulent and rigged elections. Like Trump.

How do I know? Let me read the way.

First, millions of illegal tourists are voting in California. When they receive a driver’s license from the DMV, they register to vote. By law, no one is allowed to ask for citizenship. No one can ask for the right ID. Millions of unscrupulous foreign voters pay the interest of failed Democrats in California. It’s simple – they vote for a party that can’t get rid of them and it shines a healthy look from birth to the grave.

Second, California has sent tens of millions of voters by mail. Like Biden-Trump in 2020, there is no way to know who they are. No voting ID. There is no chain to keep him. There is no signature confirmation. None but millions of fake votes, signed with fake names.

One of my fans received 16 votes at his home in California. He lives there with his wife and two children. Sorry Larry, Democrats and their flood of false elections will not allow you to win this one. Third, California allows anyone to print votes on a home computer. That’s real madness.

Fourth, California has high yields. Anyone can pick up thousands of fake governments, write them down and submit them. Democrats have developed this ability.

Finally, actual votes were made by mistake. You need to clean up to post. Computers that analyze the polls often block the name from conducting a search. Whose name do you think is in the 46 nominees? Larry the Great. It just happened by accident. How wonderful!

So, I help you Larry. I know you can be a great Ambassador. But sadly, I know it won’t be a problem. The vote has been stolen. Your rule will be stolen, just as Trump’s leadership was stolen.

The question is, When will caring and patriotic people wake up and take action?

Wayne Allyn Root is known as the “Caretaker.” Wayne’s new book, “The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book” has been released on September 16. Wayne is leading “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 PM to 9 PM EST and “WAR RAW” “podcast. Go to ROOTforAmerica.com, or listen right now at http://usaradio.com/wayne-allyn-root/ or “on demand” 24/7 at iHeartRadio.com.

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