U.S. surgeon Vivek Murthy on Sunday said Joe Biden had announced new Covid-19 tactics before meeting with the UN on Tuesday.
Joe Biden announced last week the government’s responsibility to vaccinate and order businesses with 100+ people to oppress others or test them weekly at Covid.
But it wasn’t cruel enough.
Joe Biden has announced new violence this week.
ABOUT: Kentucky Health Workers Refuse to Follow Vaccination, Compulsory Hospital (VIDEOS)
“Joe Biden has revealed” many “actions” in the coming days, especially around the world … the president will announce before the UN General Assembly some of the steps we are taking to support global vaccination, “Murthy told CNN’s Dana Bash on Sunday.
Major Operation: Biden will unveil more “actions” in the coming days, especially around the world … the president will announce ahead of the UN General Assembly on some of the steps we are taking to support global vaccination ” pic.twitter.com/ItqGCsjsAZ
– Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 12, 2021
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