Biden Removes US Missiles from Saudi Arabia, Aligning the US Closer to Another Terrorist Nation in Iran

The crazy wheels in the OBiden Administration are about to fall. Instead of promoting President Trump’s peace policies in the Middle East, OBiden’s actions threaten the region as a whole to disrupt OBiden.

President Trump traveled to the Middle East and visited religious leaders around the world on his first foreign trip to bring peace to the Middle East. President Trump inherited the dangerous ISIS legacy in the Middle East and Iran and all these terrorist groups were backed by the OBiden group.

President Trump’s approach was peaceful, not dangerous and destructive. He shared his vision with Arab leaders and called on them to root out terrorists in their area.

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But this is not OBiden’s idea. OBiden is proving to be the most destructive force in the Middle East. This is the only reason established by what the Administration is doing. AP says:

The U.S. has withdrawn its high-tech weapons and Patriot batteries in Saudi Arabia in recent weeks, as the empire faces threats from further attacks by Yemeni Houthi militants, satellite imagery reviewed by The Associated Press.

The restoration of security at Prince Sultan Air Base outside Riyadh comes as US allies in the Gulf Arabs look on in horror. the release of the US military crackdown on Afghanistan, including their last-minute departure from Kabul’s international airport.

While thousands of American groups remain throughout Arabia as a threat to Iran, the Gulf Arab states are worried about US plans for the future as its military sees it as a threat to Asia, which requires mission protection. The situation is worsening as talks are halted in Vienna over the collapse of Iran’s nuclear weapons program and international powers, which threaten future conflicts in the region.

OBiden shows through his actions that he has no desire for peace in the Middle East or anywhere. Our helpers will not help us anymore. These are very dark days.

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