Washington University Student Senator Caught Throwing Away American Flags From 9/11 Memorial

Student cinema at the University of Washington in St. Louis.

The student, Fadel Alkilani, is the chairman of the school’s senate finance committee.

Nathaniel Hope, a member of the UW College Republican, caught Alkilani throwing the flag and met him on video.

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The flag is part of the work of the American Youth of Freedom of Remembrance who lost their lives on this tragic day 20 years ago.

The YAF was warned Saturday that a memorial demonstration had been canceled by a member of the student government at WU. The school is affiliated with YAF 9/11: Do Not Forget Work, where 2,977 flags are planted on the ground, one of the innocent killed by Islamic State militants, “YAF said. Press release.

Alkilani reportedly boasted of the Twitter crash by saying he wanted to “denounce against the American authorities and the 900,000 people lost in the 9/11 war,” but his Twitter account is now blocked and hidden.

Hope told YAF that Alkilani “has no regrets” for what he is doing.

“She also said it was a violation of school rules,” added Hope. “They also talk rudely.”

After being linked to YAF, Alkilani replied, “I did not break any university or law. Now go. ”

According to the students who are participating in 9/11: Do Not Forget Work at WU, Alkilani also tried to disrupt the show on Friday night. He was told to stop when police called the school. Arrested this morning, the school police were also notified. This time he warned Alkilani that he would be arrested if he disrupted the protest, “YAF added.

The stolen flags eventually returned to their original location on the lawn.

Another reminder of YAF they too perished at Michigan State University.

“It is amazing that someone can destroy a memorial for the victims on September 11, and it proves why we do this every year – to ensure that the innocent victims that day are not forgotten,” said MSU YAF Chairman Charlie Jones.

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