EPIC! Stadium Chants “WE LOVE TRUMP” at Triller Fight Club Event in Florida on 9-11 (VIDEO)

President Trump was the guest speaker at the Triller Fight Club meeting on Saturday, September 11. It was after he went to Ground Zero earlier in the day to commemorate the 20th 9-11 celebrations.

The head coach on Saturday was Evander Holyfield v. Bitor Belforen. Holyfield is 58 years old and will be fighting for the first time in 10 years.

Prior to the ceremony, a crowd in the stadium chanted, “We love the Trumpet!… We love the Trumpet! …” President Trump stood up, waved, and thanked the audience.

ABOUT: ENTIRE VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit Interviews President Donald Trump (Revised)

The people LOVE this President!

Meanwhile, football fans were singing “F ** k Joe Biden!” again this week.

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