Attack of Turkish troops in Syria kills two soldiers | Syrian News

Three other soldiers have been wounded in a plot to assassinate Turkish troops in Idlib state.

A Turkish military offensive in the northwestern state of Idlib has killed two soldiers and wounded three others, according to Turkey’s defense ministry.

Saturday’s attack came after an investigation and investigation into the Idlib-de-escalation area, the ministry said in a statement. It identified the dead soldiers as unsigned officers.

Idlib is the last stronghold of the Syrian civil war and its territories are under the control of Turkish and Russian troops.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) says a bomb blast on a Turkish road accident occurred on the road between Idlib and Binnish. He said the wounded soldiers were airlifted to Turkey by helicopter.

The SOHR said the attack was carried out by a group called Supporters of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Company, which has been attacking Turkish troops in the past.

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Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar later traveled to the Syrian border to meet with military officials.

Northwestern Syria has been embroiled in a series of armed conflicts since the outbreak of war in March 2020 by Turkey and Russia, which support rival factions in Syria’s civil war. The deal ended up frustrating the Russian-backed government in Idlib province.

The Syrian government, which has signed an agreement between Russia and Turkey, has promised to help restore areas lost in the 10-year war.

In northwestern Syria there are about four million people, most of them displaced by the civil war that has killed half a million people and displaced half of the country’s 23 million people before the war, including more than five million internally displaced persons.

In February last year at least 33 Turkish soldiers were killed in airstrikes in Idlib, sparking a major retaliation against Turkey against militants.

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