Trump Admits Downside to Running in 2024

Will he or she not? That has been the question on the minds of almost everyone in America when it comes to President Trump for the next three years.

When Trump contacted Fox News’s Greg Gutfeld to find out more about the question, he realized the difficulties that could be posed for the White House in 2024 – CNN votes are back.

Trump’s comments were made public in a video conference interview and Gutfeld.

The pair began an online discussion against Trump and Gutfeld alleging that CNN was only announcing news reports that helped retaliate against the police.

“They have denied the crime that is taking place due to the refund of police funds and the destruction of the police,” he said. “There are no networks covering it except Fox.”

Gutfeld later added, “One of the problems with running for president is saving CNN. You know that.”

“That’s the problem,” Trump replied bluntly. “I am very proud of what I have done for them. They are down by 81%. ”

ABOUT: Critic-Trump Writer Exists CNN’s Brian Stelter With Liberal Media In Fun Video

Trump 2024 May Be CNN’s Only Hope

Nielsen’s data has shown that CNN votes have also fallen hard times in the post-Trump era, for failing to hit 1 million viewers during the day more than 50% of the time in the last three months.

For the first time, it has just surpassed 1 million viewers in 12 of the last 92 days.

Their top performance with anchor Chris Cuomo saw votes have fallen After the resignation of his brother Governor Andrew Cuomo as well as a report by the NY Attorney General which showed that he had helped create a defense against many of Grandpa’s assets.

Fox News researcher Joe Concha believes the only thing that can throw CNN support system will be the Trump campaign for 2024.

“If you give up your main goal in the last five years, I urge Joe Biden not only to make TV more compelling, the only hope is that Trump will be back on the big stage,” Concha said.

And while there is some irony in the CNN coverage of Trump, Gutfeld, and Concha, the latter adds to the idea that this would damage the American viewer.

“No matter, most journalists just look at Trump in the worst and worst possible way,” he explains.

“The vote – yes, it will probably go backwards because the credibility and credibility of the formerly proud companies has diminished little by little.”

ABOUT: CNN’s Joe Rogan Hammers Brian Stelter: ‘Hey Motherf *****, You Must Be a Journalist’

CNN’s Tough Time

CNN correspondent Jim Acosta, just three months before President Biden’s inauguration, acknowledged that suffering from the “post-Trump stress disorder” since Trump left the White House.

But he did not move forward.

“We raised the issue before Donald Trump came in, and we did it very well, and there will be a lot of things in the news that should not have Donald Trump in our heads for us to continue to exist,” he said.

Others have also seen the failure of CNN.

The famous podcast star Joe Rogan, did the same thing when he mocked CNN in their coverage ahead of Trump 2024 and called Brian Stelter’s show particularly “not good.”

He continued to blow up Stelter to attract the attention of White House Secretary Jan Psaki through his embarrassing remarks.

“Why is Brian Stelter talking to a reporter, ‘What are we doing wrong? What are we doing wrong?'” Rogan laughed. “Like, hey motherf *** er, you have to be a journalist.”

“Hey motherf *** er, you have to be a journalist” is always a good look after every episode on CNN.

Talking about Stelter…

… He was joined by Michael Wolff, author of several anti-Trump publications, accusing him of being “part of Donald Trump”.

Wolff mocked Stelter in an interview with CNN anchor last July, saying it was “one of the reasons why” people can’t stand journalists. “

Clearly, well-known journalist Ted Koppel in 2018 predicted the difficulties CNN would face in telling Stelter and his network that “their numbers would be in the toilet without Donald Trump.”

He was right.

Will Trump save them in 2024?

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