Los Angeles School District Mandates Covid Vaccines For Children 12 and Up

The Board of Education at Los Angeles Unified School unanimously approved the measure Thursday by ordering Covid jabs for all students aged 12 or over.

“Science is a fact – vaccination is an important part of the protection against COVID-19,” said superintendent Megan K. Reilly in a statement after the vote. “The COVID-19 vaccine is safe, effective and requires that eligible students receive the vaccine is the most effective way to protect our team at this school.”

Students must download the vaccine in the “Daily Pass” system on January 10 unless given the opportunity.

ABC News reports:

ABOUT: Biden Regime Drops Iron Fist In Positive Group: Will Need Vaccination Or Weekly Testing – Employees Who Don’t Follow Will Meet “Big Money”

The Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education voted unanimously to provide the COVID-19 vaccine to all eligible students.

Vote is the most important part of the country’s second-largest province, with more than 600,000 students and 1,200 schools in LA.

All students between the ages of 12 and above will be required to be fully vaccinated by Jan. 10, 2022, unless they have “hospitalization or other,” said school officials.

Covid vaccine causes inflammation of the heart in adolescents and young adults.

The FDA approved Pfizer gene jabs for 12-year-olds in June and they are available reports of myocarditis (Inflammation of the heart muscle) in adolescents.

Reports of myocarditis in adolescents are more common in men and are found after a second dose of jab.

Vaccination counselors at the CDC now say there are “more than expected” cases of heart problems in young people after receiving the Covid vaccine.

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