Dem Rep Says Pelosi Entitled To $200 Million Pork Spending Because She Works Harder For America Than Anybody

Representative Steve Cohen urged Nancy Pelosi district to raise $ 200 million to set up a wild park and golf club because they “do more in America” ​​than anyone else.

A $ 200 million allocation has been set up in the House Democrats’ $ 3.5 trillion budget plan.

Presidio is a well-known park located on 1,500 hectares and can be seen by drivers as they enter San Francisco via the Golden Bridge Gate.

In an interview with the Nob Hill Gazette last week, Pelosi boasted of being in the park.

“I love going to Presidio,” he said. “It is very nice to walk and see the bridge and then go back and see the City. Maybe that’s what I do the most. ”

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GOP Fight For $ 200 Million ‘Giveaway’

Republican lawmakers were not at all pleased with the $ 200 million pig that was added to the jaw-dropping laws that have already been passed for the benefit of the Pelosi region.

Attorney Tom Tiffany (R-WI) described the $ 200 mark as benefits for Home Contestants.

“This is a good thing for Pelosi,” he said. “This is where a person puts himself in front of his office.”

Attorney Lauren Boebert (R-CO) criticized Pelosi for trying to obtain “donations.”

“Just because they talk doesn’t mean they’ll have to break the law,” Boebert said.

He added Boebert, “This is a clear contribution to Speaker Pelosi and prominent people in San Francisco who support him, and US taxpayers are following the money.”

Cohen, however, knelt faster than Pelosi in Kente’s cloth, praising the Speaker of Parliament for saying he should receive “a little more”.

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Steve Cohen: Pelosi Works Better Than Everyone

Steve Cohen believes Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) deserves a “ donation ” for her hard work on the American people.

“Prophet Pelosi gets probably more, and some leaders get more out of these other letters,” he explained.

“Of course, he should,” Cohen said. “Had it not been for the 24/7 operation, and he is saying, for this place to continue, we would not have gone.”

“They do more in America than any other member, I would have submitted to Congress, 10 times,” said Cohen, shooting more than he put a bucket of fried chicken in the House room.

“So I agree to that request.”

The Republican House tried to change the money for a number of reasons, including a happy opportunity for veterans and Gold Star families, as well as organizing 9/11 memorials.

It was useless, however, since every idea was won by Democrats.

Cohen is likely to support $ 200 million in Pelosi’s re-election in Presidio after his Trump ouster chicks.

Except for eating fried chicken The House as a way of making fun of Attorney General William Barr, Mr. Cohen had a share of some memorable things at work.

In 2018, he angered human rights activists everywhere by stating that FBI embarrassment Peter Strzok should be rewarded Purple Heart to testify before Congress.

Years ago, he announced the wonders of the NFL Eli and Peyton Manning rape their wives.

“Eli and Peyton do not have sex with people other than their wives,” he said for reasons known by Cohen.

Two years ago, he also said that Bill Clinton should not have adopted “sex” (was not) but former President Trump had to be for “seizing the land.”

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