Biden Says Getting Vaccine Is Not A Personal Choice: ‘This Is Not About Freedom’

On Thursday, President Joe Biden said whether or not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine is not just a matter of personal rights, and that receiving the vaccine is “not a personal decision.”

“The waiting period is over,” Biden told Americans about his government’s COVID plan.

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Biden: ‘This Is Not About Freedom or Free Will’

Biden said those who are reluctant to receive the vaccine because it lacks FDA approval should do so, as the Food and Drug Administration has now given it a green light.

“This is not about freedom or choice, but about protecting yourself and those around you,” Biden said.

“My job as president is to protect all Americans, and tonight, I announce that the Department of Labor is issuing an emergency order requiring all 100 or more employers to work for more than 80 million workers, to ensure that workers are fully vaccinated. show the wrong test once a week, ”Biden said.

When employers violate Biden’s policy, it could cost a lot of money at work.

“We have been patient but our patience is declining and your refusal has hurt us all,” Biden said He said to the millions of people who are not vaccinated in this country.

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Biden: ‘Destructive Politics Make People Sick’

“Most of us are disappointed with the nearly 80 million Americans who have not been vaccinated, even though the vaccine is reliable, effective and free,” Biden added. “You can be confused about what is true and what is false about COVID-19.”

“We have anti-COVID-19 weapons, and a handful of Americans, backed by a select few, are preventing us from turning the corner,” Biden said. he said, seems to be accusing Republicans.

“These destructive politics are making people sick, and making people who are not vaccinated die,” he added.

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