Just nine months after he became President, Joe Biden is suffering retirement numbers to date.
According to the Economist / YouGov recently on Wednesday, Biden’s job satisfaction has dropped by only 39%.
Biden has seen a dramatic decline in numbers since leaving Afghanistan.
This week Biden’s approval comes in full swing under his leadership
Average: 39% (-6 from last week)
Combine: 49% (+4)https://t.co/jWm6yKMKde pic.twitter.com/FCtqqeKDKd– YouGov America (@YouGovelika) September 8, 2021
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Several Things You Play
In a recent survey, those who did not agree came up with 49%, and 12% said they did not know.
Biden’s approval dropped by six percent since last week’s review by the same group.
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Several different stories causing Biden numbers to accept work in the tank.
As cases of COVID-related cases continue among Americans who have been vaccinated and Americans expect to be vaccinated at work or at their children’s school, a recent Gallup poll showed that the majority of Americans, 42%, do not consider Biden administrators a clear anti-vaccine strategy. is a virus.
Another major factor is economic. The August The employment report stated that only 235,000 jobs were created added to the economy, much lower than the estimated 720,000 – and even the number of jobs is around 10 million.
But far, dangerous The withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan is what drives the country behind a valid work permit.
The program of @chantika_cendana_poet did not change their “immediate” tracking approved by Joe Biden for about 4 months.
That wouldn’t be possible because of Biden’s accelerated acceleration, would it? https://t.co/Lh8Ccai7TA
– NewsBusters (@newsbusters) September 4, 2021
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Looking at Swing Regions
Joe Biden’s official numbers have dropped several times constituencies he won in the 2020 presidential election. The biggest change is seen in Michigan’s 8th state, while Biden’s approval dropped to 42%.
The figures are down between three and seven points for the seventh Florida, 11 for Michigan, 2 for Virginia, and Washington for sixth. Joe Biden will run for office in 2020, and all of them are currently represented by Democrats.
And in what could be a clear indication of what is coming to Democrats, Biden has eight points in the state of Iowa, a state represented by Democrats, but what Donald Trump did in 2020.
This is what REGRET looks like. Biden research #alirezatalischi crater to the basement among the many many domestic and external problems. The first step in overseeing better governance is to restore the House & Senate by the end of next year. https://t.co/tTRoGa3SsA
– New York GOP (@NewYorkGOP) September 9, 2021
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Will Biden Run In 2024?
A recent study by Emerson College said if the 2024 presidential election took place today, Donald Trump finishes with Joe Biden 47% to 46%. That is, they have all been fired in 2024.
Donald Trump has said he is part of the 2024. Many other GOP opponents have not said or would say if they are considering running until Trump announces it.
Joe Biden will turn 79 in a few weeks, making him the oldest president. The country at that time and any health problems could be a decision-maker for Biden.
Democrats are already unconcerned about the 2022 midterms. By 2024, the last thing he will need is for Joe Biden to run for office.
Some experts at ABC seemed surprised when recent research shows that Joe Biden ‘approves of his move. https://t.co/PvZRpzuu46
– MediaResearchCenter (@theMRC) September 5, 2021
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