Trey Gowdy Blasts Democrats – Says They’ll Be Minority Party If Afghanistan Withdrawal Is Their ‘Reelection Message’

Former Congressman Trey Gowdy went to Fox News on Tuesday to blow up Joe Biden’s supervisors on their final day of August 31 to withdraw troops from Afghanistan. Gowdy went so far as to say that if the departure of Afghanistan was the Democrat’s “reform message”, it could be a minority party.

Gowdy Sounds Off

“I do not know [Democrats’] goals, ”Gowdy said on Fox News appearance. “I know it will not be possible if you try to re-elect, ‘Hey, 20 years later, women and girls are still at risk. Minor religions still exist, journalists are being beaten.”

“We can’t get the Americans out, and, by the way, last week, box 13 came back to Dover Air Force Base. But with golly, we met Joe Biden’s last term,” he added. . “

Related: Trey Gowdy Rips Biden – Afghanistan ‘Women and Children Killed’

“So I think if he is given a vote, will we continue to write stories about the tragedy in Afghanistan and give Kevin McCarthy a chance to be Speaker of the House?” Gowdy continued. “Or are we just talking about something else? I think Politicos and The New York Times… The Washington Posts around the world are doing well now.”

“Now, I believe the real judges, the American people, and when they see pictures of people flying down and seeing women and girls 20 years later our sons and daughters are killed, 20 years… women and girls are still second citizens, I think the courts are much stronger than journalists , “he concluded.

Gowdy Destroys Biden For August 31 Last Time

This comes just days after Gowdy said the last day of his departure from Biden on August 31 “doesn’t make sense.”

“Trey, you hear these stories, and we hear about the success of the thousands and thousands that come out,” he said. Fox News recipient Bret Baier. “But there are a lot of Afghans in particular who can’t get out, and there are some Americans who can’t make the last flight.”

“Yes, Bret, that’s why the last day of August 31 which he won’t leave doesn’t make sense at all. It’s just that people probably don’t know ISIS-K, it’s a new name,” Gowdy replied. “Bret, this is the group that went to the hospital and killed the babies and the newborn mothers. He was the one who was released from prison. “

“He is the only one left in Afghanistan,” he continued. “So why are we so unhappy to leave August 31 when we have people who helped us back then, I don’t understand.”

Full Story: Trey Gowdy Said Biden August 31 Last Time to Remove ‘Uncertain’

This piece was written by James Samson on August 31, 2021. It originally appeared KhalidAli and is used with permission.

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