There are a number of advertising professionals and channels that meet the specific needs. Although they do not have the width and depth needed to serve as your main promotional activity, they may be suitable to add to the top or as part of a package.
For Lovers of Articles
Interesting Stream offers thousands of high-quality movies and TV shows, many of them original, for $ 3 a month or $ 20 a year. However, if you are looking for 4K, the price jumps up to $ 10 per month or $ 70 per year.
For Movie Lovers
VRV images can be an excellent promotional activity for anime fans and cartoons. Here are Crunchyroll, Cartoon Hangover, World Media, Rooster Teeth, and VRV Select. The service costs $ 10 per month, but the mode of transportation seems to be changing frequently.
For Reality TV Fans
Find + it features well-known live shows, documentaries, and live TV shows, cooking, travel, home remodeling, history, real crime, and much more. The ad support section is $ 5 per month, but you can pay $ 7 per month to stay free of ads.
For Game Lovers
ESPN + and a promotional activity featuring other NHL and MLB games, college games, and football, alongside the show. It does not have an NBA or NFL game, but the game is slowly represented in the hunt, so fans may think that $ 7 a month or $ 70 a year is worth paying for. ESPN + is very important if taken as part of a bundle by Disney + and Hulu for $ 14 per month.
For British TV Lovers
Britbox they claim to have more British boxes than any other work. It features old and new British TV shows as well as a number of UK-produced public broadcasts, including BBC, ITV, Channel 4, and Channel 5. It costs $ 9 a month or $ 90 a year.