Colorblind Is the Moral Ideal

There is less revealing of immorality and infidelity on the left than calling it a “colorblind” of racism.

Here are just a few examples:

The University of California publishes a series of “microaggressions” – words and ideas that are considered racist – that whites should avoid using. The list includes the words “colorblindness” and expressions such as “there is only one race, a race.”

The left war on apartheid has been rampant.

Psychology Today published an article written by a professor of psychology entitled, “Colorblind Ideology Is a Form of Racism.”

HuffPost published an article called, “How Colorblindness Is Actually Racist,” in which the author also gives three examples of white-speaking white racism:

“I’m blind.”

“I see people, not race.”

“We are all the same.”

Walt Disney Co urges its white employees to protect themselves from racism by “criticizing (mental) insanity and their claims” as … “I don’t see paint.”

Even the US Army began to do this. It sent an email to all employees stating that the word “colorblind” was “evidence of white supremacy.” (The military later withdrew the email after congressman members threatened government scrutiny.)

I can give a few other examples to the left of Orwellian the label “colorblind” as “racist.”
Why Orwellian?

Because being a colorblind is what people are opposition racism should aspire to.

This is why Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous quote, from his famous quote, is: “I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a world where they will not be judged by race but by their values.”

The idea on the left is that Martin Luther King Jr. he was wrong.

But on the left it is a mistake. A dark-skinned person is the literal meaning of an impartial person.

Here’s the obvious evidence: The main opposition – the anti-slavery activists, lawmakers Jim Crow and the Ku Klux Klan, to name a few American examples – were at least blind people. Color is something that they and all races see in people. Exactly because he defined people by race, justified their subjugation to black people.

Colorblind means that one does not believe that human race is important in any way.

Isn’t this great? Should we not define a person by heart, mind, and personality, as Martin Luther King Jr. said, above all, form? When people, of all races, look in the mirror, do they see colors? No, they do not. They see a human being. When a white man looks in the mirror, he thinks, “Look, a white man!”? When a black man looks in the mirror, he thinks, “Look, a black man!”?

Of course not. When we look at ourselves, we see John, or Jessica, or Tameka, or Jose. We see ourselves – not the paint. Why is it not the way we want everyone to see us?

The left-wing insistence on the importance of color is one of the greatest anti-social and anti-social doctrines of our time. It was real when the United States was so racist that the human race was considered the most important. Why do we want to go back to that time?

Why is your skin more important than the color of your hair, or, the color of your shoes?
Mention one important thing your race tells others about you. We can’t.

Does your race tell us if you are kind, or smart, or what foods or music you like, or what you do to earn money? Does it tell us anything about the most important thing about you – your mind?

No. Your brand doesn’t tell us anything about you.

As a result, what about everyone no to be a colorblind? Being a colorblind means that someone is ignoring something that is not really important about you. Isn’t that a good thing? And isn’t it different – that your competition is important – racist?

Which we consider to be the most important book ever written in the Bible, as the greatest source of wisdom, should be blind. The only thing that the Bible tells us about the first man, Adam, from whom we are all descended, is that he was created in the image of God. If the Bible were important to mankind, wouldn’t it tell us Adam’s race?

The fact that there were Christians who defended slavery in the courts only proves that there were Christians who did not take the Bible seriously. Similarly, some Christians who have a serious view of the Bible set out an unprecedented step in world history to eradicate slavery.

Last thought: Imagine that everyone will be blind tomorrow. Can the world be more – or less – racist?


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