Why Paleontologists Enter the Florida Oyster Business

But harvesting the snails was difficult. At low tide, oyster rocks are surrounded by mud, sometimes mud rising in the thighs. The shells are very sharp and contain pathogens. This…

The 18 Best EVs Coming in 2022

Despite a pandemic, global chip shortages, and months of stop-start Covid restrictions, the interest in electric cars continues to grow. Such was the fascination that, in a year that hit…

How to Start (and Keep) Healthy Habits

The best way, and the most inspiring, is to run a little harder today than you did yesterday. Do a little more than you did yesterday, even if it meant…

Where Parents Can Find Help With Weather Concerns

You can join them for free weekly newspaper Wednesday, buy their magazines for $ 18 – $ 25, or get a free five-day subscription to their email list. Play Everything…

How to Get Rid of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok

If you want to delete your account but do not want to lose all your account information, first download your important data. What you can download includes everything from the…