5 Ways to Cure Imposter Syndrome (+ Stop Letting Fear Stop Your Big Dreams)

Does fear hold you back from going for what you want? Or keep you stuck because you don’t want to put yourself in the position to fail? For me, imposter…

Stop Time-Shaming Clients. Help Them Get the Work in Instead

Every time I see one of those “No Excuses!” headlines or memes, I want to heave a medicine ball at my computer. These posts send the messages that going to…

Stop Time-Shaming Clients. Help Them Get the Work in Instead

Every time I see one of those “No Excuses!” headlines or memes, I want to heave a medicine ball at my computer. These posts send the messages that going to…

22 Ways To Tell If Starting A Business Is Right For You

This is probably the longest post I have ever, ever written, so I turned into a little  series. On starting, creating and building this little business known as Simply Real Health. The…

On Creating the Business & Life of Your Dreams: The Behind-The-Scenes Story of Building Simply Real Health: THE SERIES

If you’ve been thinking about starting a business… or if you already have a business but know you need a shift to make it a more purposeful and profitable path……

The Right Way to Approach Group Training for Optimal Results

It is entirely possible to train for the sport of weightlifting on a solitary basis. Many have done it this way, and no doubt many will continue to do so.…

The Right Way to Approach Group Training for Optimal Results

It is entirely possible to train for the sport of weightlifting on a solitary basis. Many have done it this way, and no doubt many will continue to do so.…

Strongwoman Inez Carrasquillo’s Overhead Pressing is On a Different Level

The sport of strongwoman can be not only incredibly demanding but also a difficult and competitive sport to make a name for one’s self. Inez Carrasquillo, a rising star in…

Strongwoman Inez Carrasquillo’s Overhead Pressing is On a Different Level

The sport of strongwoman can be not only incredibly demanding but also a difficult and competitive sport to make a name for one’s self. Inez Carrasquillo, a rising star in…

6 Tricks to Better Focus & Productivity

One of the questions I get asked the most is about productivity. Maybe it’s that I’m now a mom of 2, running a business, creating my art in the kitchen…