5 Foods When You Are Very Tired

WE ALL have those weeks, things are not going according to plan, work is over for a long time, school is out, you have to change your schedule and you have to change. Or when you have no energy or motivation to cook at the end of a long day. All is well!

But that doesn’t mean healthy dinner, either. Instead, it is the days when we need a more nutritious dinner, to fill and rejuvenate our bodies, and to rejuvenate us so that we can be healthy from that day on.

People often allow the mind-set to come in handy- if they can’t cook a “perfect” dinner from scratch, then what to try? So they go to the pick-up, pizza, drive…

But here’s the idea: not everything is lost. THERE are many ways to eat real food and get good vegetables, and keep it EASY as well quickly above all, without going to extremes in any way.

5 foods to make when you are too tired to cook

All of this is faster, faster and healthier than you can take, so try again later when you are a little older! Here are 5 foods I make…. or more like “collecting” … when the day has gone crazy.

1. Chicken sausage, peppers & vegetables:

When you open my fridge you always see * chicken sausage. It is a very fast protein that dissolves in warm water. For this, I just chop and cook some bell peppers, and add the sausage in the pan to turn it brown. Then add the vegetables (kale, chard or spinach) for a minute or two. Serve with: rice, tortilla and beans or avocado, lettuce or arugula, or any other portion you like.

2. Fried vegetables + chicken rotisserie + polenta:

Roasted vegetables are what I go to once a week here. The best part is that the roasting leaves stay longer in your fridge (or counter) so I have them all the time. Think carrots, potatoes / potatoes, brussel sprouts, and so on. I also like to add everything I have to the fridge: fennel, mushrooms and green beans are my latest additions. Pour olive oil, salt and pepper and bake in the oven on parchment paper for 20 minutes at 400 degrees. Polenta (or rice or quinoa or whatever you have): 2 cups water per 1 cup of wheat and a little salt With butter. I love renting because it cooks very fast in 6 minutes or so. Bring water and wheat to a boil, then reduce the heat until all the water has evaporated. And rotisserie chicken directly from the grocery = life saver week.

3. Veggie bags + fried potatoes + broccoli:

A good veggie burger can be hard to find- many are full of fake meat and ingredients that are not real and the leaves look good, but when you find good ones, you always keep them. I love Hilary’s color, and everyone at my table. You can bake in the oven or cook on the stovetop in 10 minutes. Potatoes and broccoli cook quickly – I bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes or more. Dinner is done!

4. GF + sandwiches with sandwiches:

We love a good roast sandwich here. Well, who doesn’t ?! With turkey-free turkey portions (we accept ours at PCC but every natural food store should have it), mustard, avocado mayo, avocado, or cheddar cheese, and I always carry mine with arugula. Grill the bread on a metal pan, turning one side at first and then shaking. Add the toppings to the far toasted. Use a plate or lid to increase the weight of a sandwich while eating. To make quick tomato soup, I cook 1/2 onion & 2 cloves garlic, then add to blender with large tomatoes, 1 TB Italian spices, 2 cups of broth, and 2 tsp of salt and pepper. A little coconut milk, almond milk or plain milk is best for a little sweetness. Then combine with the heat on the stove. Dinner is done!

5. Pesto chicken & pasta stew with arugula or peas:

My favorite method on instantpot? Dip a little chicken breast in water, lightly simmer for 8 minutes, then drain the water, crush the chicken and mix with the pesto. It is used countless times in a week- in salads, in addition to soups, sandwiches, pasta, and so on. Then cook the pasta or quinoa (with the added protein), and mix with the tomato sauce or more pesto and add the peas. or arugula to serve.

If you do any of these, let me know too instagram on @simplyrealhealth. Being healthy does not have to be complicated. It all counts and it all includes! Most foods in your body, are healthy, no matter what they look like.

What you eat = how you feel, how you sleep, your energy, how your brain works, and your patience. These are all things you need in a busy life.

photo by Carina Skrobecki

Want to reduce your productivity for a week? (I make them healthier AND happier?)

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