The following March, for for the first time, a Scottish census will ask all people 16 years of age or older to share information about their sexuality and whether they have identified themselves as trans. The new questions, which in addition are following a similar pattern in other parts of the United Kingdom and Malta, are urging people to “come out” by returning to the census. The idea of adding questions about gender, sexuality, and sexuality in the national census is on various discussion groups in countries outside Europe, including. new Zealand, Canada, Australia, and United States.
The sense of the read in the pen is clear. It may be my passion for data, but I feel I realized when I tick the answer in a “gay” way in a survey that initially accused me of not being or was not worth counting. If you are identified with the narrators who are not mentioned in the drop-down boxes, seeing yourself in the survey may change the way you interact with many people who go beyond personal experiences. It is therefore understandable that many human rights groups and top-level government agencies organize the census of the most vulnerable and increase data collection as a step towards greater mobility.
There is a great deal of historical significance in the increasing visibility of many Western lands. But a closer look at the benefits of the study complicates the potential problems for the people who come in and participate in the data collection activities. My concerns are based on recent studies and inspections that warn of professional participation in popular questions, including professional work. Valani Benjamin, Data For Black Lives, Algorithmic Justice League, Virginia Eubanks, Lauren F. Klein, and Catherine D’Ignazio. Considering the effects of data systems on people who are not the most oppressed in these areas, the good may not always be more negative than the negative.
From the 20s in this century, gay rights groups in many countries have launched a campaign to increase the visibility of minorities based on gender, sexuality, and sexual orientation. However, even in the 1970’s and 1980’s, gay and lesbian activists, such as John D’Emilio, warned that increasing the number of “exit” people will not change the areas that hinder their territories.
The included borders appeared to me and I see how the 2022 census in Scotland. While researching my book Queer Data, I sat on committee meetings in the Scottish Parliament, reviewed lengthy reports, gave testimony, and participated in discussions of those affected. As the months of disagreement over the census and the census progressed, it became clear that census design was not just about collecting accurate data.
I grew ambivalent about what “counting” actually meant queer areas and the concern that the size of the census including some queer people continued to erase those who were not equal to the subcontinent understanding of gender, sexuality, and sexuality. In particular, the Scottish 2022 census does not count for two people, who should realize that homosexuals are gay or lesbian. In another instance, non-aligned campaign groups demanded that the census remove “other” entries and reduce sexual responses to “gay or lesbian,” “gay,” and “straight / gay or lesbian.” Restoring the notion that sexual orientation is based on a stable, non-sexual attitude and restricting the question to only three choices can completely eliminate people who present themselves as stupid, non-sexual, non-gay. While the final question of the sexual orientation includes “other” entries in the sex box, collecting data about the lives of other idiots can push those who fall outside of these expectations further into the shadows.