Jack Dorsey was the ghost of Twitter

Jack Dorsey was bite. It was 2009, and we were in Baghdad, between the Silicon Valley movement and the rockers. State Department System visiting businesses, universities, and museums of the Iraq National Museum. But at home, the move and all the shock in the company he created – a short blog page called Twitter – was happening without him. Twitter started, but Dorsey was removed from his leadership position, and his co-founders, Evan Williams and Biz Stone, excelled in public, appearing in debates and meetings. Dorsey, a mentally retarded man, was devastated when he revealed himself to me in a midnight discussion. What was still there when I met him a few months later, when he took me to his house to show me his new ideas, a small acorn-shaped doodad that could turn your phone into a credit card switch.

Revenge, they say, is a very cold meal, but in the next few years, Jack Dorsey was served with a big party, which was not only hot and probably vegan. Or maybe keto. Not that this amazing program turned out to be Square, which is now almost as important $ 100 billion-but in 2011, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo, Williams’ successor, hired Dorsey as a short-term corporate leader. Four years later, Dorsey joined Costolo to become a Twitter executive. The man who started the project and changed the world by giving a voice to everyone, good or bad, came back to take care of his environment.

Can one person run two large state-owned companies? Dorsey he insisted that he could. Other than that, did not Steve Steve’s image drive Apple and Pstrong?

The key will be to mobilize a team that can take the company to glory with a short-term leader. With Square, Dorsey has done just that, but Twitter’s history is mixed. It has always been frustrating that the usage has not reached the billions that feature social media. The fact that the company hit more than its weight based on constant concern raised the question: Why is Twitter not so rich? The company went through a huge Svengalis market, approved by others.

In a Twitter police case, Dorsey was a Silicon Valley Hamlet, acknowledging the problem but reluctant to take action to address it. Every woman who puts on something even more difficult should expect a storm misogynistic negative responses. Recently Twitter provided great responses to his troll problem. And while Donald Trump is a problem no one knew how to deal with, Dorsey allowed the main opposition. using Twitter as his bullhorn for a very long time. (Fourth, Calling Dorsey Trump’s permanent ban after January 6 was even more serious than Facebook’s “suspicious” suspension.)

Among other things, Dorsey gladly violated unspecified rules on how a CEO should behave. Surprises abound in corporate suites, but they are often not shown disrespectfully. Panali his food. Ake beard. Ake nose ring. And its favorites: denim, perambulating, and more recently, crypto.

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