My Music App Knows Me Very Well. Do I Live in Groove?

One of the streaming music programs I use it to make playlists customized for me, and it is dangerous to predict the music I like. Does this make me bored?

—Being Well

Dear Good Play,

I once read somewhere that if you want to drive a person crazy, make sure, for a week or more, that you sometimes say, “I knew you were saying that” after giving a simple comment. The idea, as far as I know, is that by assuming that a person’s thoughts are obvious, you are gradually destroying their thoughts until they stop trying to be self-sufficient. I don’t know if this works — I never felt sorry for trying. But if his point is correct, we all need to clear our minds a little at a time. How many times a day are we reminded that our actions can be expected exactly? Prophetic words he carefully considers how we are going to act reply to emails. Amazon provides the same book that we have been wanting to read. It is necessary these days to finish writing a Google ask for complete completion before concluding our thoughts, a reminder that our medical concerns, manufacturing activities, and relationship problems are not realistic.

For those of us who grew up in the crucible of late-capitalist individualism, those of us who believe that our lives are as special as our big and unchanging fingerprints like snow, the idea that our interests fall into easily recognizable and deep patterns, perhaps even existence, instability. Instead, Play Safe, is a betting that your real concern is not that you are bored but that you have no real rights. If your taste can be easily traced back from your listening history and streams of “users like you” (borrowing predicting tools for the future), are you really making a choice? Is it possible that your indescribable joy and excitement when you hear that your favorite Radiohead song in college is the unmistakable end of the vector of probabilities mathematics that has confirmed your personality since birth?

Although this type of anxiety may seem new, it is rooted in a very ancient problem with prediction and personal freedom, which began to manifest itself in the belief in divine foreknowledge. If God foresaw the future in such a way that it would be inconceivable for humans to act implicitly? How can we do otherwise? The problem was solved in the 19th century by astronomer Pierre-Simon Laplace, who thought that there was an intelligent astronomer who knew everything about the universe, down to the point where all its atoms were located. If the agency (now called the Laplace demon) could understand everything about the modern world and had the intelligence “so vast that it could be illuminated,” it could predict the future, revealing that all events, including our actions, are in our hands. in the future. a long list of cause-and-effect dominoes that originate from natural birth.

Algorithm which predicts your musical preferences are less than the astronomical wisdom Laplace had. But it still shows, little by little, how your actions are influenced by your past choices and the well-defined potential of human behavior. And it is not difficult to explain what predictive technology can reveal about how we know if we can expect our actions and how we feel, or even beyond our self-knowledge. Will we accept their marriage proposal, or will we vote for it, as we do now with their views on what we should watch and read? Do the police arrest criminals before they do, just as they do Low Report, are you being warned of prophecies in digital terms? A few years ago, Amazon issued a certificate of “expected shipping,” maintaining the hope that the company will soon be able to do so correctly. consider our laws (and start preparing them for shipping) before buying.

If the revelation of your weakness is just the beginning of a new truth, how should you respond? One way would be to rebel and try to prove his point. Do the opposite of morality. When you have a strong desire to do something, do it differently. Listen to the music you hate. Make decisions that will completely change your data flow. This is the answer given by the journalist Dostoevsky in Footnotes, who act foolishly and selfishly to prove that he is not a slave to unreasonable selfish calculations. This book was written at a time when many well-meaning people think that human behavior can be reduced to just plain rules in order to improve the quality of life and make better people. The author asserts that the masses would find such a world unbearable because it would undermine their belief in universal sovereignty. We value our independence above all the good and the good that scientific determinism offers — so, he argues, that we may seek vanity or self-harm to ensure our independence. If science were to prove that humans do these terrible things, then we would be committing our own sin “only to send the devil to us and bring him back to life in harmony with our own stupid will!”

It is an interesting passage, although the way the predictions take place is not known. Few of us today seem to suffer from the comfort of future analysis. In fact, the helpful things they do are so important that we often do things together. Get started Spotify, we “love” the music we enjoy, which contributes to the image of our digital personality. Get started TikTok, we quickly publish old manuscripts that do not reflect our favorite, lest all the facts could distract us from our interest. You may have paused, once or twice, before seeing a Netflix a movie that differs from your preferences, or doubts before you googling a religious question, for fear that it may lead you to become a real believer and distort your future results. If you want to perfect your mind, the best thing to do is to act as the “owner” as best you can, to stay positive and lasting in the situation – that is to say, to do things that are contrary to reality. human difficulties.

Having said that, I do not recommend hugging nonsense or doing things that go against your wishes. It will not make you happy, nor will it confirm the facts. Indulgence is not a substitute for real freedom. Instead, you may need to reconsider the unspecified requirements of your query, which means that your name is defined by customer preferences. Your tiredness may have little to do with the taste you feel you have more than the fact that the platforms have allowed us to see our lives through groups of colors that are designed to look good to advertisers. It is easy to mistake our appearance because of the bullets that embellish our reputation: our relationships, our expertise, our posts and memes and threads that we love, the purchases we make, and the playlists we create. built.

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