It’s a problem you may know them, especially if you are a “technical support” for your family, office, or group of friends: Someone contacts them wanting help with a problem on their phone, but you don’t. to look at.
Problem solving over a cell phone or text message is often frustrating. Just trying to figure out exactly what is going on (and what is not happening) on the screen is a challenge in itself, and before you get to the point of thinking about the causes.
The answer is to get the person you are helping to share a screen with their device. Not only can you see for yourself what is going on, you can also try to fix the problem yourself remotely, online.
You have more options depending on the software and methods than you might think, but one app actually works better and for free: TeamViewer QuickSupport. If you are looking for something more and, or rather, this, we have mentioned some other ways you can think of.
It’s incredible, but be careful when using these tools – you don’t want to give access to your smartphone to anyone you don’t trust, even if you can cut it at any time.
TeamViewer QuickSupport
TeamViewer gives you the opportunity to remotely access another smartphone.
Photo: TeamViewer via David NieldTeamViewer QuickSupport is not the only app that gives you the opportunity to view and stream mobile phones remotely, but it is one of the best we have ever experienced. It’s easy to understand, it’s free to use the commercial, and you can download both Android and iOS materials.
The person you are helping should install the QuickSupport app, so you may need to help them first. For someone who is planning (with you), you need a whole team of TeamViewer Remote Control Android, iOS, or desktop, or you need to go to a browser and type at the address bar.