Facebook on Tuesday said will stop using facial recognition the technology of identifying people through pictures and videos and removing the information of more than 1 billion people.
These articles point to the end of one of the most well-known facial expressions. Outside Face unlock for phones and apps at the airport, Facebook‘s auto tag is probably the most well-known facial recognition technique that people face. Mu a blog post, Facebook VP of Artificial Intelligence Jerome Pesenti said the ruling highlights “the need to monitor how people are being used effectively to identify facial expressions against what is growing.”
Facebook has used face recognition to identify people on photos, videos, and Memories since 2010, criticizing privacy activists and fining hundreds of millions of dollars from government officials. A Facebook spokesman told WIRED that billions of photos posted with the help of facial recognition over the past decade should be stored. The information and signals collected from the photos and videos with the faces of the people in the group also cannot be changed.
Face-to-face recognition has come to include the combination of privacy and human rights concerns that have led to more than a twelve major US cities banned from use technical. The use of face detection by the police has led to a series of misdemeanor arrests in the US and has helped to establish a regulatory body to regulate it. Few Muslim groups in China.
The idea comes after a couple of weeks of intense scrutiny on Facebook around the loss of thousands of internal notes it revealed little holes, and a move by Facebook last week to re-create the name Meta.
The front-end recognition of image tags does not necessarily mean the actual end of using face recognition by Facebook. The technology will still be used to perform tasks such as helping users access a closed account or verifying identity to complete a task. And even though Facebook removes more than a billion facial notifications, the company maintains DeepFace, a type of AI-trained data. Nearly one in three Facebook users today use its own function that encourages people to post a picture.
In addition to removing only photo tags, Facebook will no longer use face recognition to identify people by name on a small number of photos of people who are blind or blind.
Facebook is the latest technology company to put aside using facial recognition. IBM stopped providing facial recognition to customers last year. Describing the inaction of the directors, following the assassination of George Floyd, Amazon and Microsoft they abandoned their commercials for the occult.
Researchers such as Joy Buolamwini, Deb Raji, and Timnit Gebru previously wrote that facial expressions may not be so accurate for women with dark skin. The results were later confirmed by a study by the National Institute of Standards and Technology which said that technology often confuses Asians, young people, and others.
Raji, who has worked on political and ethical issues in organizations including AI Now, Google, and the Algorithmic Justice League, said the Facebook move was important because DeepFace played a major role in the history of computer vision. The in-depth study method was developed in 2014 with 4 million images from 4,000 people, the largest group of human faces to date. DeepFace was the first type of AI to achieve human performance in face recognition, and introduced the practice of advertising technology and storing facial information to improve power.