Wall Street does not care about the loss of Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg says.

The market price for Facebook is going well. But soon the number of horrific reports on Facebook which first appeared in the Wall Street Journal – from corporate material it affects the mental health of the users how about has contributed to political instability in construction to the January 6 violence Capitol – offends CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

At a press conference the company earns a quarter on Monday, Zuckerberg responded to criticism and criticism that was leveled at Facebook by describing the rude remarks that are in stark contrast to the way most people do.

“Being disciplined by good faith helps us to succeed. But my view is that what we are seeing is a concerted effort to use the documents that were published to expose the lies of our company, ”said Zuckerberg. “The reality is that we have an open culture, where we encourage discussion and research about our work so that we can move forward on many complex issues that are not our own.”

It is important to note that Facebook is doing well financially. The company said it was very strong quarterly pay On Monday, despite having the first report Apple will launch secret change in April which would significantly reduce Facebook sales. And while there are reports of damage to public events, the prices of Facebook groups are rising. The fact that Zuckerberg spent the first few minutes of his first 10-minute speech on a call that protects his company’s credibility speaks volumes about how the reports seem to have angered him.

Zuckerberg’s comments also raise questions about his view of the role of journalists in reporting on his company to the public.

“Collaborative efforts” “prudent use” downgraded Facebook’s internal content that Zuckerberg mentioned seems to refer to the existence of a reporting agreement in more than 17 newsrooms, including the Associated Press, the Atlantic, and the New York Times, which began publishing the news last weekend. The consortium was set up to share thousands of files downloaded by former Facebook employee Frances Haugen (Recode joined the deal on Monday). The first alliance set up a time-bound agreement to publish their news, which is called “embargo” – a common TV feature that Facebook PR regularly uses to publish and advertise to journalists. Facebook was already released a public statements by the reporting agency before the news comes out.

In a phone call on Monday, Zuckerberg said he would “not change the look of the TV show,” and instead continue to create new features for Facebook users.

Over and over again, he called Facebook a “corporate leader” in reducing harmful content on its platforms. He also mentioned ways in which the company should share images of how it works with people, such as self-report reports, ad archive, Governing Body, and programs to share selected internal data with external researchers studying things like political polarization and false health issues on the platform.

“We believe that our machines are the most effective way to reduce harmful substances around the world [social media] companies. And I think any case report on how we did this should include this, “Zuckerberg said.

What he did not mention is the amount of publicity measures that have been criticized for inadequacy by prominent foreign officials. Even Facebook own Oversight Board has criticized the company hiding key points; in April, the group said Facebook “It wasn’t coming,” by “failing to provide accurate and complete information at times,” and demanded that the company make all representations clear. And the disciples have been here a long time complained that Facebook is too slow and limited in data sharing external tutorials, which could make Facebook’s academic alliance ineffective in short-term research on topics that are needed as Covid-19 TV articles.

Zuckerberg is right when he says that Facebook has fostered an open culture for its domestic, top-class analysts around the world to investigate the company’s most serious problems. What he seems to be upset about now is that Haugen shared his findings with people. While this does not seem to worry investors, analysts, and major shareholders – as Facebook is still a very lucrative business – Zuckerberg’s comments on Monday’s findings show how the loss has shaken the company. Facebook’s finances may remain under Zuckerberg’s rule, but its culture is no more.

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