Apple and Google’s New Hardware Promotes Rants — and Rave

Yes, it still is commercial advertising season. This week, Google unveiled its new Pixel phones and Apple unveiled new versions of the MacBook Pro. Both families are playing with the same changes in their previous models – even on the MacBook, much of the new features “are what Apple left behind on their most recent laptops. Both devices have received their major updates over the years, so naturally we have other devices.

This week at Gadget Lab, we bring WIRED content writer Brenda Stolyar and WIRED editor-in-chief Julian Chokkattu to comment on and / or comment on the content of Apple and Google devices.

Show Notes

Read Lauren’s story about Apple’s return to MacBook style. Read Parker Hall’s story about all (old) MacBook ports Pano. Go new to Apple M1 chips. Google’s latest offices Pixel phones. Everything Apple announced this week. Also read about Julian see also an electric skateboard Evolve Hadean.


Brenda encourages A Courageous Nation on Hulu. Julian recommends trying an electric skateboard. Lauren recommends Salt bath. (No, you don’t smoke.) Mike agrees Fun Creatures Podcast.

Brenda Stolyar is available on Twitter @BStoly. Julian Chokkattu and @JulianChokkattu. Lauren Goode and @LaurenGoode. Michael Calore and @punch. Shooting on the main hotline at @All online applications. The video is produced by Boone Ashworth (@alirezatalischi). Our main song is The Secret of the Sun..

If you have any questions about this show, or would like to join them to win a $ 50 gift card, take our short survey Pano.

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