Spring, at Quark University science conference conference in Syracuse, Ivan Polyakov announced that he had scratched his little toes.
“We said, ‘This is impossible. What is wrong with you? ‘”He recalls Sheldon Stone, the leader of the group.
Polyakov left and reviewed his research analysis from the beauty of the Large Hadron Collider (LHCb) of which the Syracuse group is a part. The testimony took place. It showed that tiny particles called quark can form a solid group, in contrast to what many experts say. The LHCb agreement also mentioned the discovery of tiny particles, called tetraquark, at a meeting held in July and two papers wrote earlier this month of peer review.
The unexpected discovery of a two-dimensional tetraquark confirms a complex fact. Although scientists know the similarities that define a large force – the force that binds quarks to form protons and neutrons in the hearts of atoms, as well as many other similar elements, so it is difficult to predict the dynamics.
Tetraquark is now providing these experts with a strong goal of testing their mathematical machines to achieve that potential. Respect for their comparisons represents a great hope for scientists to understand how quarks live inside and outside atoms – and to ignore the quark effect on the hidden signals of new things that scientists are looking for.
Quark painting
The amazing thing about quarks is that physicists can approach them with two difficult parts. In the 1960’s, in the face of a recent wildlife sanctuary, they developed a graphic “quark model”, which states that the quark explodes in three groups to form protons, neutrons, and other balloons, while two quarks form different types of meson particles.
Gradually, a deeper theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) began. It wrote a proton like the amount of quark they are attached together by tying strings of tiny “gluon” particles, which carry the force of the force. Studies have confirmed many aspects of QCD, but there are no known mathematical skills that can be systematically performed open the middle of the idea.
In other words, the quark can represent a very complex truth, especially when it comes to the ideas of balloons and mesons found in the 20th century. has failed to wait temporary tetraquarks and five quark pentaquarks that first appeared in the 2000’s. These tiny objects come from the QCD, but for almost 20 years, theorists have been wondering how they can do it.
“We don’t already know the system, which is a shame,” he said Eric Braaten, theorist of matter at Ohio State University.
The newest Tetraquark makes it a mystery.
It was found in about 200 wastes that were detected during LHCb testing, where protons were disrupted 40 million times per minute, giving you the opportunity to be more complex in all natural ways. Quarks come in six “sweet” masses, with heavy quarks that are rarely seen. Each of the 200 accidental collisions produced enough energy to form two fragrant quarks, which are heavier than lightweight protons that contain protons but less than beautiful LQCb-colored quarks. The medium-sized ornaments are also close enough to attract and connect to the old low-rise wires. Polyakov’s research showed that four quarks connected for the second 12 sextillionths before a fluctuation of electricity disturbed two more quarks and the group became three mesons.