You Are Not A Chosen Runner, So Stop Acting As One

When you are logged into your computer window, you become silent and see the repetitive repercussions of the rep. The seemingly intractable move from start to finish has the potential for finding answers.

As an ordinary person, you just look at the wonderful world of the internet. All you see is perfection at every level, the high performance of a full-time runner. Suddenly, you are no longer comparing your rep max with other athletic guys, but with a Russian woman who is half your weight. The waist of your shorts comes back in place as you look at your sperm, feel the withers of submission.

But high performance is built on a simple and consistent basis. The comparison between you and a really young girl is an insult to her dedication to success. Before you get all the nominees, make sure you have to call back to the basics that are available inside and outside the gym.

Performance at a high level is built from a simple and consistent foundation.

1. Find the Right to Move Forward

Education is a lifelong endeavor. The mistake that can easily get your claim denied is to fail. Slipping your feet and holding the bar inside the squat comes from the hours you spend at the deepest. From the exercise with a wooden stick your whole body screams to jump over the bar like your hero.

“Education is more than just physical existence. It is a mental practice to control every aspect of your exercise routine. “

Regardless of the sport or skill required, a simple question needs to be answered. Where are you right now continuing that skill? You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.

What you have is what you can put into your training plans. You control how your body responds and you do not break your body with the only volume a well-drilled machine runner can afford.

2. Walk With the Purpose of Being Well

You do not have the opportunity to fill your day with all the nuances of education. So, let’s be honest for a moment. Is it the latest breed of reptiles that you see everyone benefit from the knee you always worry about when fighting squat?

“Is it the latest breed of reptiles that you see everyone benefit from the knee you always worry about when fighting squat?”

From the moment you go to the gym, have a definite goal. Education is more than physical existence. It is a mental practice to control every aspect of your exercise routine.

Working on a voluntary tour by Dmitry Klokov.

Do your travel arrangements have difficulty navigating? Is the core drill compatible with integrated lifting? Do you ever go to another country during your free time lowering your phone or concentrating on trying to recover quickly? The choice is yours.

3. Find Radiators, Not Disposal

Life will show you two different kinds of people. On the other hand, the person who is constantly plagued with problems is always complaining. The kind of person who takes life from one person to another is their negativity.

“Your study area should be filled with a range of radiators, which not only take education but also your daily life to a certain level.”

Then you experience a lot more energy that comes out than the smile of another runner in the last few seconds of the kettlebell tearing skin. This person is wonderful to be around, and of these two, they are the ones keeping you in the area.

In a healthy and effective training environment, you leave home problems at home. Your study area should be filled with a group of radiators, which does not just take education and your daily life to a certain level.

Discharge of power after 715km in the boat with friends.

4. Find a Qualified Teacher

Next time, you will have to make a personal decision. If you step into a ring, a stadium, or just a platform, you are in control. This is not just used for reading a book. It is the depth in your education and games with the instructor who gradually leads you to ask your questions.

“If you want to do more than you think is possible, get a teacher, especially through the mind. Listen, and above all believe in his actions.”

Two weeks after the Russian Olympic Gold Medal in 2004, Dmitry Berestov, constantly interrogating him and seeing the interaction between the teacher and the athlete left me in no doubt. Quoting Berestov himself, “The best runners are trained to think, not to rely.”

If you want to achieve more than you think is possible, find a mentor, especially through ideas. Listen, and above all believe in his way.

I have the Olympic Gold Medal Dmitry Berestov.

5. Find Life

You are over six packs or a good set of glutes. You are a living example of what you do outside of the gym walls. A two-hour training session will not eliminate the food you missed, a poor night’s sleep, or a lack of sleep at work that bothers you more than the idea of ​​trying a 2km ride just before five feet (or is it me?).

“Remember that there is such a thing as living, especially if your education is not a matter of life, death, or receiving a medal.”

Just to keep a joke aside, the increase in all the stress will have a big impact as you use volume and intensity in your study time. Something will give and it usually becomes an organ of the body. Remember that there is such a thing as living, especially if your education is not a matter of life, death, or receiving a medal.


It is easy to rely on a lot of software and sex like OCD for numbers, percentages, tempos, and reps distributed across the internet. Realize that there is more to life than just the time you spend in the gym.

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