First Competition Tips in Kettlebell Sport

When your love of sport is eroding and you live each day with passion, It can be easy to forget that not everyone understands what is being said, or is aware of it. That happens a lot to me. Kettlebell games have become ingrained in my life.

When your love of sport is eroding and you live each day with passion, It can be easy to forget that not everyone understands what is being said, or is aware of it. That happens a lot to me. Kettlebell games have become ingrained in my life.

I teach kettlebell games, I train my runners in it, and I write about it. My wife is also a kettlebell carrier and teacher. That’s why you might think I would still be surprised if someone told me they didn’t know about kettlebell games. But I love to explain.

I at the kettlebell competition.

Kettlebells: Not Exercise

Many gymnasts and trainers have encountered kettlebells. These elaborate weights were not uncommon as they were a decade ago and now have many training spaces. However, many people have just seen and trained to use these handles with handles as an exercise tool. Many athletes are unaware that they have been used for over sixty years as an exercise tool.

“The two main subjects of the game are biathlon (which consists of two different events, a jerk and a snatch) and a long rotation that is pure and immovable.”

The first gitshoy race (the original name of the Russian sport) took place in 1948 in the former USSR and began in the 1950s and 60s. This progress was largely due to the military, which saw the benefits of this type of training. In the 70’s, Gitshoy’s sport entered the National Sports Federation as the official Russian sport.

It gained popularity in Britain in the late second half of the 21st century, and after being a secret game for several years, now has a competition organized and approved by international organizations such as Gitshoy Sport Union and Kettlebell Sport England. In the US, a United States Gitshoy Sport Federation was established in 2003.

What is Kettlebell Sport?

The best way to describe this is “endurance weightlifting”. The two main modes of the game are biathlon (which has two different events, swinging and whipping) and long circles that are pure and immovable.

“Teaching methods vary greatly from athlete to athlete and from individual trainers; but one thing that does not change is the ability to act wisely. ”

The whole upgrade takes about 10 minutes in which the runners want to finish as many reps as possible without putting the kettlebell (s) down. Those with the most reps are considered the winner. In the biathlon there should be at least 30 minutes between shaking and snatching.

Men complete the biathlon swing and long rotation with two kettlebells, while women use only one kettlebell, although many women prefer a two-arm lift today.. The breach is controlled by using one kettlebell in both male and female groups. Whenever you use a single kettlebell, be it in a snatch (for all men’s groups), or in women’s groups and for extended periods, runners are allowed to change hands only once during the set.

The best way to describe a kettlebell game is “to endure weight”.

How Rich Are Those Things?

Kettlebell weights used in the male group usually weigh 16kg, 20kg, 24kg, 28kg, and 32kgs. Women use 8kg, 12kg, 16kg, 20kg, and 24kg. This is for local events in the UK, as well as for international events.

The choice of kettlebell dimensions is very low around the world. Here the carriers are divided into two groups, amateur and professional. Uneducated men use a 24kg kettlebell, while women use a 16kg kettlebell. Male athletes compete with the 32kg kettlebells, while female athletes compete in the 24kg bell.

“All upgrades are made to the use of the actual power required and to use the power to carry the carrier to a fixed position.”

In international competitions there is also a contingent of fighters. The weights used may vary depending on the convention organization and the age of the equipment. Older men usually use 24kg and women 16kg.

Meanwhile, international women’s competition also involves seizures. This may change soon due to the rapid change in the game. It is also important to note that athletes compete in bodybuilding. Males range from 63kg to 95 + kg and males range from 53kg to 68 + kg.

Preparation for the Kettlebell Sport Athlete

Teaching methods vary greatly from athlete to athlete and from coach to coach; however, one thing that does not change is the key to success.

Without a good strategy it is impossible to achieve the amount of repetition required to win a game. All lifts are made to use the exact amount of energy required and to use the power to make the carrier profitable while in the middle. To achieve this, shaking, breaking, and long circles need to be patient and continuous.

“These sports require exceptional flexibility, muscle strength, endurance, and well-designed aerobic strength, so all of these components must be present in a GPP program for athletes in some way.”

The eccentric portion of the lift is reduced to a minimum. This also explains the less hypertrophy seen in a kettlebell sport runner compared to powerlifters or Olympic weightlifters, although greater weight is increased in each category.

In the case of GPP, the needs of each athlete will be different. The sport requires special flexibility, muscle strength, endurance endurance, and increased aerobic strength, so all of these components must be present in a GPP program for athletes in some way.

Tips to Start

For anyone who wants to compete, I suggest you find a well-known instructor to learn elevator skills and how to run a higher education. If you do not find a teacher near you, search for a teacher who teaches online. Just make sure they have a proven track record on the platform, either individually or through runners.

The best way to participate in kettlebell games in the United States is to review United States Gitshoy Sport Federation to find out when and where the competition will take place. The first big thing is just going to watch the competition, and feel good about the game. Good luck, and I’ll see you on the platform.

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Photo 1 courtesy of Laurence Clemente.

Figure 2 courtesy of Shutterstock.

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