A Telegram Bot Told Iranian Players After Receiving A Hit

While in Iran hacking group APT35 wants to know if one of his digital attractions has started biting, all he has to do is watch Telegram. Each time someone sees one of the web sites they have set up, information is available on the car in the chat group, specifying the client’s IP address, location, tool, browser, and more. Not a file Push notifications; and phish knowledge.

Google Analytics Group has been explained a new approach as part of the APT35 watchdog, also known as the Charming Kitten, a government-sponsored group that has been in the past few years trying to find valuable goals just to click the wrong link and post their documents. And while APT35 does not threaten the best or most advanced team in the world – the same team, after all, by accident The only hours of the movie were stolen-Their use of Telegram seems like a wrinkle that can be beneficial.

The team uses a variety of methods to try to get people to visit their original pages. Google has reported a number of recent incidents: the disruption of the UK web site, a fake VPN app that hacks into the Google Play Store, and spam emails that hackers pretend to be preparing for real meetings, and trying to trap their posts via bad PDFs, Dropbox links , web pages, and more.

In the case of a website page, hackers are the ones who can be harassed on the corrupted page, which encourages them to log in and who will give them the option – everything from Gmail to Facebook to AOL – to watch the webinar. Once you have your documents, they go to APT35, which also asks for your two-factor verification number. It’s the oldest way with a beard on it; APT35 has been running since 2017 to affect people in government, education, national security, and many more.

Fraudulent page on corrupted page.

Courtesy of Google TAG

A fake VPN isn’t really good, either, and Google says it released the app in its store before anyone downloaded it. If someone falls into the trap, even – or puts it on another platform that still exists – spyware can steal prices, notes, locations, and numbers.

Frankly, APT35 is not a real addition. Although they have replaced senior officials at the Munich Security and Think-20 Italy conference in recent years, they are also based on Phishing 101. ” security expert at Google TAG. “Their efficiency is very low.”

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