Stable movies in the 80s are the Most Dangerous

In the 1980s the genre of interest became more popular than ever with the release of movies such as Labyrinth, Eternal Story, Ladyhawke, and Thieves Time. Author of scientific fiction Matthew Kressel he says he likes to watch cartoons like Krull, regardless of travel delays and special events.

“I know he’s tough, and he looks good, but there’s something about the film that always fascinates me,” Kressel says in Section 486 of Geek design in Galaxy Podcast. “I watched the movie with my cousin, who never lived, and I love it. Every time I watch, I come back like a kid to the stage. ”

A comedian Tom oversees says that for adults who grew up in the 80s, nothing could compare with the magic of watching Heavy Iron or Cattle. “You’re sealed like a bird,” he says. “If they’re around a person when they break up, they think they’re human, and when you make your child watch these movies, they just go into a part of your brain that closes when you start ‘growing up.’

The Bride The Bride is a rare example of a video of the 80s that is as new and exciting today as it was released. TV writer Andrea Kail he says that many parts of the movie are more appealing to him as he grew up than they were when he was a child. “There’s one line where Buttercup says, ‘You despise my pain,’ and Westley says, ‘Life and pain. “Anyone who says otherwise is selling something,” said Kail. “It’s funny, and it’s true. Especially when you grow up you look like ‘Yup.’ ”

Geek design in Galaxy recipient David Barr Kirtley wants the studio to make more movies like Conan Stranger or Willow. “I love sword and magic so much, and I’m glad I grew up with it,” he says. “These movies didn’t do well, but there is something interesting about the whole sword and magic, and it saddens me how they got there. I wish more and more movies would take this kind of story and do it well, with modern trends and special events. ”

Listen to the full interview with Matthew Kressel, Tom Gerencer, and Andrea Kail in Section 486 of Geek design in Galaxy (above). And see some of the discussions below.

Matthew Kressel pa Labyrinth:

“As you can see, by the time it was 13 – it was midnight – they were at the end of the stairs, and what happened before was the same as when they all went. Stairs of MC Escher. The reason I keep saying, ‘Oh, he’s playing with the idea that it was all his way of talking to himself.’ This, I think, Gen X is the first thing, because I think younger generations don’t have that kind of frustration. But there may be times, at least when I was growing up, when there was nothing to do. There was nothing on TV. ‘What can I do? I do not know. ‘ Then you just play in your mind – otherwise I played. ”

Andrea Kail on video:

“The best part of the reason [that Ladyhawke is so slow] was DP is Vittorio Storaro, who is one of the most popular DPs of all time – was DP on Apocalypse Now, so talk about a beautiful long-distance shot. I think maybe it got him interested, that maybe he could have something to do with it. But I can’t tolerate it [long shots] perhaps. I just watched a movie called Kambuku, from an ancient Sicilian book. It was 1963, and it was painful. This is a film that received widespread awards in 1963, and is all about a long, long time of shooting for the homeless. I was punching him. I’m like, ‘What are you doing? Move the issue harder. ‘That’s the way we are. Now we have lost interest in many things. ”

Tom Gerencer unveiled The Bride The Bride:

“Many lines come to my head at any time of the day. ‘At length, enjoy the palace!’ I mean, every time I say goodbye to someone, it just comes to my mind. … I was in this thread with three high school friends, where we text each other all the time – several times a day – and a few weeks ago I ran into this main point, which I already saw, and one of the stickers you put on when you are in a meeting. It says, ‘Hello, my name is,’ and then none, and someone wrote in ‘Inigo Montoya. You kill my father, get ready to die! ‘I drew them, and I put them on the thread, and they started this conversation when they were like,’ That’s good! It’s so funny! And he began to speak of others The Bride Queen quoted words. ”

Tom Gerencer unveiled William Goldman:

“When I saw it The Bride The Bride. … If you read this book, and see the sections that were cut, and you see what they changed from the description and discussion and practice, it is amazing with the work they did. It should be taught in film schools – people should read this book and watch the movie and see how they look, and just say, ‘Then it happens.’ ”

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