Canada’s Trudeau vows to deal with medical demonstrations | Coronavirus News Plague

Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau has recently condemned ‘anti-vaxxer rallies’ outside Canadian hospitals.

Justin Trudeau has vowed that if he is re-elected his party will end protests outside the health facility, as protests against coronavirus-related protests have taken place outside hospitals in recent weeks.

Trudeau, whose Liberal party is in a very difficult election Spectators, he said Monday that Liberals has made it a mistake to prevent access to every home that offers medical care, such as hospitals, testing centers, storage facilities for pharmacies and abortion hospitals.

The party may also be guilty of threatening or intimidating any health care professional in the profession and of any patient receiving care.

“I am very disturbed by anti-vaxxer meetings outside hospitals and health facilities in the last few weeks,” Trudeau said. words.

“These people are threatening our medical professionals and putting Canadians who need health care at risk. I would not accept this. That is why we are working hard to ensure that everyone has access to the care they need and to care for our careers.”

Several meetings are expected to take place outside of Canadian hospitals on Monday to condemn efforts to curb the spread of the disease, including vaccination efforts, CBC News reports.

The CBC said the demonstrations were organized by a group called the Canadian Frontline Nurses, which was “set up by two Ontario nurses who promoted the propaganda ideas of COVID-19 and attended meetings in the US for those who thought the epidemic was a ‘fraud’.

A group of protesters gathered outside Toronto General Hospital, the busiest in the city, on Monday afternoon, Canadian journalists reports.

Opposition comes in the middle anger at Trudeau based on the government’s response to the COVID-19 epidemic and its support for COVID-19 public health restrictions, such as vaccination passports and government documents.

Right-wing opponents have fought Trudeau on a competitive path, often shouting epithets and having placards against his coronavirus ideas.

Meetings outside of hospitals and other health facilities have been criticized by politicians in Canada, as well as health professionals.

The protester carried placards during a protest outside the Toronto General Hospital [Chris Helgren/Reuters]

On Sunday, organizations representing nurses and doctors in Ontario criticized the planned protests, saying they were “making it difficult for patients and health workers to get in and out of hospitals where they work or receive treatment”.

The Nursed ‘Association of Ontario (RNAO) and the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) also seek “safer places” around hospitals and other hospitals.

“We respect democracy and the right of the people to protest, but this should not happen in any way that may prevent them from getting to and from hospitals, especially accessing emergency vehicles or patients in need of emergency care,” the groups said. words.

Liberals now lead slightly in the Conservative Party – 31.9% to 31.3% – ahead of the September 20 vote, according to Next CBC Survey, and they are able to save a small amount of government.

The beast led to immediate elections two years ahead of time in anticipation of getting more parliament, but Conservatives he benefited In the last few weeks of the campaign.

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