Can Sport Play Couple Interest in Nazi History?

The term “movie games ”and“ Holocaust ”do not seem to be about the same sentence, but Luc Bernard has always done just that. Affected by the amount of Anti-Semitism in the US and around the world, and inspired by the desire to bring Nazi education to the new generation, Bernard took up a job he had set up almost 10 years ago. “It was completely different at the time, and thank God I didn’t finish,” he admits. The big difference between here and there? In addition, Joan Salter, 83, a researcher, nominated a member of the Order of the British Empire for Nazi education, as well as a child survivor of the Nazis, as the playwright.

Meanwhile, Bernard has played a major role in the sport, having worked in the 2009’s Mecho Wars and In God’s bag series, improve Cat Group (The first PETA video game console), I make it Paradise Island, a hurricane-force game in Puerto Rico. There is a part to him in his efforts, too. Bernard’s grandfather supervises Vessel children, children of Jewish refugees who fled from Nazi Germany to Great Britain in the late 1930s. Bernard, however, was only aware of the Jewish Jewish family’s secret at a young age.

Invited Light In the Darkness with the establishment in which Bernard was born in France, the game shows how a seemingly normal group can quickly convert Jews. Participants in the game, the Polish Jewish family in France, are fictional, but the story is based on real-life experiences, many of which are with the Salter family. “No matter how good a writer he was, he would never have felt the same way about the Nazi genocide except for someone else who lived — even though he was a child, he and his family experienced it. That is why I think it has become something special.”

The game follows the family experience as they lead Vel d’Hiv around in Paris in July 1942, when the genocide of foreign Jewish families (including more than 4,000 children) by the French police took place under the command of German authorities. He was detained in a concentration camp before being sent to concentration camps, eventually to concentration camps like Auschwitz.

For both Salter and Bernard, accuracy and precision were important, for everything from dates and locations to uniforms. When Bernard sent Salter photos of some of his previous work, he was taken aback by the fact that he had Nazi guardians. “And I said no, they were not Nazis. They were French police,” says Salter. An important distinction, since the Vichy government mobilized Jews even before the Nazis did. The conversation went from there.

“He’s a very outspoken opponent,” said Bernard. “They will know everything. Long story short, the game will not be released unless Joan ”agrees.

Salter immediately realized that Bernard would prove to be a survivor of the Vel d’Hiv. “But, I was a kid,” he says, “but for me it’s very important that I’ve spent 40 years researching and documenting the evidence.”

Bernard hopes that by playing the game and coming across the story, the user will be connected to the people and be curious about the Nazi genocide and anti-Semitism. “You are trying to create a sense of empathy, which is why it should be historically accurate without exalting itself on the human head,” says Salter. “It simply came to our notice then. As with any drama, you have to understand the characters, and then see their lives shattered without their fault. ”

Meanwhile, Bernard saw the video market as the only social media game he played and played in World War II was from the American military shooting the Nazis, ignoring the Nazi threat. “This may be contradictory, but I believe pop culture has turned Nazis into sexists, like the Nazi zombie Call of Duty and Wolfenstein (my favorite). Reducing the real evils of the Nazis and what they have done … and benefiting from Jewish oppression, “Salter adds:” You have to be very careful between cleansing the Nazi genocide and inflicting heartache on all atrocities. ”

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