Scientists are busy picking up ice as the ice melts

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Writer Cassandra Garrison, Clare Baldwin and Marco Hernandez

Sep 13 (Reuters) – Scientists are rushing to pick up ice – and the cold history they have of the weather – cold weather melts hail and ice. Some say they are running away from time. And, sometimes, it’s too late.

Late last year, German-born businessman Margit Schwikowski and a team of international scientists tried to collect ice from the Grand Combin glacier, which borders Switzerland and Italy, in an experimental United Nations-sponsored climate.

In 2018, he explored the area with a helicopter and drilled a small experiment. The center was well lit, said Schwikowski: It had fresh air and medical evidence of past seasons, and the downward radar showed snow. Not all the glaciers in the Alps provide protection against snow in summer and winter; if all had gone as planned, these cores would have been much older than they are today, he said.

But in the two years that it took scientists to come back with drilling rigs, some of the information trapped in the ice was missing. Melting glaciers result in melting glaciers and melting pools in the lake, which one member of the team described as a water-filled sponge, making the foundation unsuitable for climate science.

Sudden damage “tells us how icebergs work,” says Schwikowski, chief of the medical team at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen, Switzerland. “We were just about two years away.”

The work of the Grand Combin underscores the great challenge that scientists face today in collecting ice: Some glaciers are disappearing faster than expected. This recognition is of great interest, prompting those who specialize in ice harvesting to speed up the commission, rethinking where to go next, and increasing storage capacity.

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Nearly all glaciers are shrinking, according to the United Nations. In a report on climate change to date, published in August, the UN concluded that “human potential is the most important cause of global warming since the 1990’s.” The report also states that without immediate, drastic action, global warming will reach or exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius higher than the average temperature in previous years.

The rate at which the ice is losing mass is also increasing. A study published in April in the journal Nature Science found that glaciers lost 227 gallons of ice annually from 2000 to 2004, but that rose to 298 giggons last year in 2015. Gigaton is equivalent to one billion tons. One gigaton of ice covers Central Park in New York City and represents 341 meters (1,119 feet).

About 10% of the world’s land area is frozen, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado.

If the glaciers are melting and not snow, it means that it is not taking in air from today to study scientists in the future.

Two years ago, the southernmost peak of Mount Kebnekaise in Sweden was described as the highest point in the country after one-third of the volcano erupted.

For Schwikowski, the lack of ice is not limited to experts; I’m heartbroken, too. “The mountains look different without them, barren,” he said. In the Alps, icebergs are “extremely dangerous.”


Last September, Schwikowski stood up covered in snow as melted ice was surrounded from wells in Grand Combin. The moisture surprised her, she said. Cold melt water came out of the ice that was supposed to be solid. And the core, which was supposed to be lightweight, had sections that were very clear.

Ice-like ice cubes from the Grand Combin have helped scientists to compare the effects of global warming by giving a history of global warming that began long before the industrial revolution. The ice protects the little foam – direct evidence of the ancient atmosphere. Ice also carries air pollutants, pollen and other heat and humidity into a single storage area, all at the same time, sometimes on an annual basis.

A visitor to the Grand Combin, Italian scientist Carlo Barbante, described the speed at which the Alpine glaciers melted in the last few years “were much higher than ever.” Finding wet cores was a “complete shock,” he said.

As a result, Barbante and other scientists – including Schwikowski – accelerated plans to take Colle Gnifetti’s snow-covered snow at the Alps’ Monte Rosa summit, hundreds of feet above the Grand Combin. In June, a few months earlier than planned, he launched. The two cores he dug were fine, said Barbante.

Barbante said he also hopes to prepare for a trip to Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa and the only glaciers left on the contract, next year or next year. Another study cited in a recent UN report shows that the current global warming has already begun to melt, which will completely eliminate glaciers by 2060.

The 2009 discovery by 19th-century American scientist Douglas Hardy on the remains of 19th-century pigs on one of the highest peaks in the highlands shows that the climate history expected by scientists is long gone. “The implication is that we lost 200 years ago,” Hardy said.

Barbante and Schwikowski are part of a team led by scientists called Ice Memory, which seeks to create glaciers from the glaciers of the globe. Ice Memory is accredited by the United Nations General Assembly, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

It is currently roaming in Europe, Bolivia and Russia. The cores are temporarily stored in Europe, but the intention is to send them to Antarctica for temporary storage because the area cannot be relied on for energy, which can be lost.

“A hundred years from now, when the Alpine glaciers are completely gone, we will have” examples “of future generations of scientists, says Barbante.


In addition to global warming, scientists have been able to use glaciers to study the DNA of ancient bacteria and viruses that can be recalled when the earth warms up. Microbes and pollen can also affect the world’s forests and how they fuel fires.

Another group of scientists, the results of which were published in July in the scientific journal Microbiome, discovered viruses nearly 15,000 years old in two tropical cycles from the Tibetan Plateau in China. The findings revealed 33 viral infections, at least 28 of which were new to scientists.

The team of scientists consisted of well-known ice-based paleoclimatologists Lonnie Thompson and Ellen Mosley-Thompson, a married couple.

Lonnie Thompson said the speed at which ice is needed has led to the expansion of the ice shelter at Ohio State University, where it began raising funds last year. He expects to raise $ 7 million. He has so far raised nearly $ 475,000 in donations and pledges, according to Byrd Polar and the Climate Research Center. Renovation will double the reserve of more than 13,550 meters of ice water.

Some of the items Thompson and his team have collected are the only ice cream left over from the other cold. Two of the six ice-covered areas in Kilimanjaro in Africa where his team drilled in 2000 are missing. Similarly the pages that were drilled in 2010 in Papua, Indonesia. Some may be over 50, says Thompson.

In some cases, lakes are formed at glaciers where glaciers melt, a red flag that indicates melting may be faster than the predicted species. He also said it was time to wake up that the cores needed to be harvested urgently.

“Ice has a good reputation not only for climate change, but also for climate change,” says Thompson, which contributes to climate change.

(Report by Cassandra Garrison in Mexico City, Clare Baldwin in Hong Kong and Marco Hernandez in Singapore by Simon Scarr, Katy Daigle and Cassell Bryan-Low)

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