Telugu player Sai Dharam Tej finished well The process of suffering the collar and he is survived by injuries sustained in a road accident on Sept. 10. He says, his skid was mounted due to speeding and carelessness. CCTV footage of the tragedy is well underway and it looks as if no one has identified Sai Dharam Tej or his accomplice.
It is alleged that Abdul, an employee at the CMR supermarket, noticed Tej lying on the road. He and his friend Atif picked up Sai Dharam Tej safely on the street, gave him water and immediately called 108. Within 10 minutes, an ambulance was available and Tej took him to the hospital. Abdul and Atif, who did not know he was a Sai Dharam Tej player, left the scene of the accident and returned home.
It was Raidurgam Police who called Abdul and told him the same thing. He is respected and appreciated for his company. So far, according to police, a speeding case has been filed against Sai Dharam Tej.
“After researching the CCTV footage, based on anecdotal evidence and intermediate speed calculations, the motorcycle was found to have been driven at a speed of about 75 kilometers near the accident site. This is beyond the normal speed limit of 30 to 40 kmph,” said CH Raghunandan Rao , ACP Madhapur quoted by Etimes.
Also Read: Sai Dharam Tej: The most beloved and beloved child of the mega family