Deepica Mutyala in pursuit of dreams: You don’t need a viral video to jump

As the two main ideas come together to discuss the ups and downs of life, the successes and strategies for creating a global opportunity in a competitive world, it is worth reading. This is why we bring you an interesting discussion between author, life biographer and director Jay Shetty, as well as the successful South Asian entrepreneur and founder of the beautiful Live Tinted brand, Deepica Mutyala in the Jay Shetty Podcast section On Purpose. In the podcast, Jay asks Deepica about her life, her career and how she has subdued the wrong ideas in order to find a unique path in her life. They discuss the life of refugee children and how their parents have devoted themselves to helping them achieve their dreams. Read on ..

When Jay Shetty asked Deepica about her childhood and if she thought she was the cause of the beauty of South Asia, Deepica said she did!

She said, “I grew up in Texas and everything around me was purple hair – blue eyes and there was this unique level of beauty. My parents, who are from other countries, had specific ideas about American dreams. And for them, it’s just about respect in America, and it comes from education. Degree, after degree, after degree. But my American dream was to open the way for others, because in America you have the opportunity to do whatever you want to do. “

Deepica added, “So, if you ask me if I know I’m going to do this, the answer is yes. When I was 16 I told my dad, I want to make my own beautiful color. But the way from where I’m going is very different from how I think. But yeah. , he really wanted me to be a doctor, and our family is in the medical profession in some way, the hardworking Indians in this way. But I just wanted something different. When I was 16, I told him I would do it. So, when I go to college I have to think, I do part of the beauty industry, to learn all I can, and go to Harvard Business School to please my dad and start my beauty. ”

“It wasn’t like that.”

“But I would say that I see beauty as a car to express myself in a place like Texas where there was no one like me. I was fascinated by beauty; it was my way of expressing myself. I would go to bed Friday night and make my relatives make and here I am. “

What did Deepica learn from the dreams of her American parents, even though she made them for herself? When Jay asked her this, Deepica revealed her thoughts. “I was very shy about growing up,” she says. My mom, she walks at night and goes out to visit my friends, our house smells like a chicken coop, and I am scared to be with people because of this. I was like a mother and I want you to hide behind me. They are my number 1 fans and now I respect all they have done for us, and I think it is my goal to establish this brand. I hope that children growing up today will realize how wonderful parents are. “

Wboth know that Deepica is a good daughter to her parents and also gives her audience a picture of their lives. Realizing this, Jay added that he loves his mother to be included in his videos, and he is getting ready. Jay then told a story about a second Deepica video to post on his Youtube page. The video began to spread at that time. Deepica responded that it was “because of physical recognition.”

He said, “I was in a beautiful game, as I planned. I picked up my phone the other day and I was like, I have this beautiful tip. I didn’t think too much, I just shared my beautiful tip, and that was using red lipstick to cover up the darkness. Black groups and insecurities in my life. My friends used to call me for beauty. So, I just made a video and directed it. It was taken by Buzz Feed and it started to get complicated. Before I knew it it was like 4 million views. ‘my life that I can take and make my dream job.

When Jay was shocked that Deepica took a moment and turned it into a big thing, Deepica added, “I thought, is it the worst thing that could happen? I believe the worst is not in danger and I wonder if. I knew I had to jump. I remember going home on the weekends, longing to be with my family without telling them anything. I just wanted to get my opinion.

My father realized through my relative that I had resigned. I remember we were watching a movie. My father started studying, and I was terrified. I thought he would take me to India when I got ready for the wedding. My father gave me a check. That’s when I started to cry, and she said, “Don’t think I’m giving my daughter money but think like I’m running a business that I believe in. I proudly tore up a check and gave it to her. But she knew how it affected me, that’s how I felt the way I wanted.

Deepica Mutyala. ”

To help others achieve their dreams, Jay asked Deepica for advice. He said, “I would say don’t make excuses for not doing anything. You do not need viral video to get the jump. I did this to launch the YouTube channel. You have to start. By the way, I didn’t know anything, but I learned. Every time people ask me for advice, if I ask them to cut it off, you have to get rid of the noise in your head. You cut down on all that noise and make part 1. For me, it was all one way to get away. It is not a coincidence. It was 10 years and working in a beautiful job that made me confident that I could take a big part and quit my job. ”

Jay admitted it was the same for him. He said he was working one day, he knew he wanted to help more people, and he started making videos. He revealed that he did not know how to turn on the camera. But we all know how far he has come. Deepica added how he started to expand his dream career, I was like I could have 3X. I just studied and I taught myself. ”

Jay made a remarkable impression that it was Deepica, it was all about purpose. He also said that Deepica has a good reputation and is always intentional, and that is the difference between what wins and what does not.

Deepica concluded by saying, “It’s all said and done, for me I think about what I want to leave the world for. I’ve had a lot of people say to me, ‘It’s a beautiful race, and it’s about makeup.’ “When I walk out of the house for myself, it’s not about making, it’s about making people feel good about themselves. I’m giving people the confidence to walk out the door and feel good enough.”

Everything has been said and done, for me I think about what I want to leave in the world. I’ve had a lot of people say to me, ‘It’s a beautiful color, and it’s about makeup.’ That’s when I walk out the door for me, it’s not production. And to make people feel good about themselves. I give people the confidence to walk out the door and feel good enough. ”

Deepica Mutyala

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