Lean PCOS: Difficulty in detecting and correcting

Common risk factors for Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) include infertility, pregnancy complications, increased risk of diabetes and heart disease, depression, sleep disturbances, endometrial cancer, and more.

Symptoms and Symptoms of PCOS

Frequent periods, lack or delay of ovulation, excess androgen (male hormone) that can lead to facial or body growth or loss of hair or baldness, pimples, and ovarian cysts with multiple cyst and common signs of PCOS in obese people as well as obese and thin women. Women who are similarly thin may or may not notice this.

Management Problems in Lean PCOS

● Delayed PCOS detection. Leaning girls may or may not show signs of PCOS so they do not consider visiting their medical mothers compared to their overweight or obese counterparts – who are monitored for PCOS as soon as they reach puberty – mainly due to late menopause. Dependent mothers are usually monitored for PCOS only when they experience complications during or during pregnancy as they grow older.

● Delayed PCOS treatment. Delayed awareness leads to delayed treatment leading to side effects such as endocrine, metabolic, psychiatric disorders.

● Late onset of the disease can adversely affect the endocrine system and its metabolic rate. The presence of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia increases their tendency to have comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, heart disease, and many more.

● Women with weight loss PCOS are more likely to suffer from a number of mental illnesses such as depression, mood swings, anxiety, and overeating due to a lack of timely diagnosis.

The disease

Awareness depends on your symptoms. Once you have your full medical history, your doctor may order a test if:

● Examining the waist. Your abdomen becomes swollen due to size, or the size of your genitals.

● Blood tests. Your blood pressure can be monitored to measure hormone levels, glucose tolerance, residual cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

● An ultrasound scan to determine the size of your uterus or cervix.

Once you have confirmed PCOS you will be monitored regularly to monitor blood pressure, glucose tolerance, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, sleep deprivation, depression, and anxiety.


There is no guaranteed PCOS protection. However, by following these simple steps they can be better managed.

● Try to gain weight. Having a healthy weight is the first way to support PCOS because it promotes menopause, symptoms of hyperandrogenism (high levels of androgens) and infertility. A healthy lifestyle, combined with eating fruits and vegetables and regular exercise are encouraged because it helps maintain a healthy body or better BMI and increases insulin sensitivity.

Find out how much insulin and sugar you need from time to time to understand your insulin resistance problem. Take your medicine regularly. Your doctor may prescribe medication for your menstrual cycle, as well as for ovulation, to help insulin resistance, proper hormone replacement, and much more.

Medications can provide relief from the symptoms of PCOS and increase your chances of getting pregnant. Endeavor to be encouraged. Do not hesitate to seek professional help or advice from your friends and relatives if you are worried and anxious. It is very common in PCOS and is very complex.


One in five women with PCOS has a healthy BMI. In India, many doctors and patients associate PCOS because they are overweight or obese. Lean PCOS may miss recognition and correction in time due to ignorance. Temporary awareness with PCOS is very important to deal with those symptoms and prevent future blood clots, malnutrition, dementia, and heart problems.

Author: Dr Hemanandini Jayaraman, Assistant – Obstetrics and Gynecology, Manipal Hospitals, Old Airport Road, Bengaluru

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