Recent Terminator movie, The Dark The Dark, it is difficult to give convincing conclusions to his superiors. Author Sarah Lynn Michener he says it will not help much of the video to be damaged in the dangerous movement on a cargo plane that has exploded.
“I think there’s this idea, in particular, of male leaders who are very excited to try to improve what has already happened, but to do bigger and better and more Michael Bay-ish,” says Michener in Section 386 of Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy podcast. “And I’m like, really? Are we really doing this in 2019? It’s very frustrating.”
Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy recipient David Barr Kirtley admits that the succession of cargo planes was ridiculous, and in stark contrast to the concept of reality taken in the best parts of the permit, The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
“In my opinion, the power of this video comes from the interaction of these dangerous future robots against the realities of everyday life,” he says. “And if you make bad robots from the future like superheroes, it won’t work. There’s no denying it.”
High-end events are not only eye-catching, but also expensive. Screenwriter Rafael Jordan warns that money is wasted because it puts unrealistic expectations on sci-fi movies. “The last three [Terminator] the total amount made about $ 400 million, and based on the amount of the first week this is consistent with this, “he says.” There have been a number of films – more recently Star Trek movies, Alita, Tron: Inheritance– which makes $ 400 million and is considered a failure, and this is just one of them. Hollywood must find a way to raise $ 400 million. ”
The Dark The Dark represents Hollywood’s third attempt to continue the story of Terminator 2, after the 2003 film Terminator 3: Machine Rise and the 2008 TV series The Story of Sarah Connor. Science fiction writer Anthony Ha says the reduced TV genre is undoubtedly surpassing its budget competitors in terms of myth.
“Obviously a lot of IPs are moving to TV,” he says. “Then if [Terminator] I have to come back — and I don’t really believe it — I think it will come back as a TV show. ”
Listen to the full interview with Sara Lynn Michener, Rafael Jordan, and Anthony Ha in Section 386 of Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy (above). And check out some of the highlights below.
Sara Lynn Michener on James Cameron:
“James Cameron has an interesting feminist concept, and his real problem is that he hasn’t really changed since the 90s. I mean, when I saw it Alita: Angel of War, sounded like the best movie ever released in 1995 — except for the results. … about a strong woman, and James Cameron’s wives were not really those. And so it struck me very strongly. I loved it Phompho, I loved Aliens, I like Terminator movies. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. ”
Rafael Jordan in photos:
“Most of the time I just wait and wait to get a job, then the moment you apply for a job is very fast. There’s not enough time, and that’s a sad thing, because the moment they call you it’s like, ‘Hey, then we get green, and we need a script right away. to protect the contract and money, so you can give it to us in a week? ‘ And you say, ‘What? No. I mean, I can give it to you something in a week, but assure me that I have time to fix and repair? ‘ And sometimes you get that time, sometimes you don’t get it. … But believe me, these writers pull their hair out, and sometimes find themselves in hotel rooms for six or eight weeks if they find the best. But trying to do it right, it’s very difficult, all the time. ”
Anthony Ha pa Rev-9:
“My goal is that there are no consequences, plus The Dark The Dark– found a way to expand T-1000. I feel like this was very close to Plato’s idea of a Terminator evil. But this is an interesting variation, and the visuals I think are very interesting, and make for a fun experience, because you have two different Terminators with the same brain. [people]. I wish they had done more to test the power of the Rev-9. … Just like [the two forms] had more power, so the softer and better color would manifest itself in a variety of situations, but the shell is stronger. Which makes it look very different. “
David Barr Kirtley on Arnold Schwarzenegger:
“I was shocked by the video when I met Arnold Schwarzenegger. I like Arnold Schwarzenegger, he’s great, but I’ve already seen him as a good Terminator in three other films. When I saw the trailers, that Arnold Schwarzenegger would be in this, I thought it would be a cameo – that he would go to the cabin, and meet Arnold Schwarzenegger, and tell them everything he told them, and then move on. with the band. And I think maybe everything good about his inclusion in the film might have been incorporated in more detail. “