Competition for Progress Against Coronavirus

On October 21, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention gave the majority of U.S. citizens permission to receive the much-needed Covid-vaccine vaccine so that 10 million people somehow obtained it before the approval in an attempt to be a little safer. Two days later, the United Kingdom government stepped down: It announced the release of Delta-plus, a new nation that already has 6 percent of cases in the country, and is more contagious than Delta.

The following events led to the pandemic: Things are going well. No, they are not. Yes Ali. No, they are of course no. Endless repetition is exhausting. It has led scientists to ask: What if we had to make the system … stop?

In a stack of papers and old records published in the past six months, the research teams present a “global coronavirus vaccine” that could protect the entire family. This means the latest version of SARS-CoV-2, any mutations that may escape the existing vaccine safety, and any future coronavirus complications that are present. may appear initiating new epidemics.

It is a difficult task, and no team is close to achieving that goal. A global vaccine against other recurrent, genetic mutations – see, in particular, the flu – has been widely followed for years. But researchers think that one of the coronaviruses is possible, because the virus is much more susceptible than the one that causes the flu, and because the risk of another coronavirus virus is real.

Apart from that, SARS-CoV-2 is the third coronavirus that has infected people within two decades, after SARS in 2003 and MERS in 2012. History has shown that there were waves of coronavirus. 20th century, and 19th century, and maybe thousands of years. And it is possible that thousands of people have not been identified coronavirus infection in bats, wildlife, and domestic animals, preparing for the opportunity to jump between species and cause chaos.

“This is not the first coronavirus we have ever encountered, nor will it be the last, because within 20 years we have been exposed to three coronaviruses that could cause the epidemic,” said Pablo Penaloza-MacMaster, an immunologist. an assistant professor at Northwestern University, as well as a lead author on several papers on global vaccination methods. “We want to be prepared for the next plague, and the way to do that is to be prepared.”

These research teams are not the only ones affected by this. In March, the non-profit organization Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, a public-business partnership that provides government and philanthropic funding for relevant projects, announced its commitment. up to $ 200 million supporting coronavirus vaccine research.

But the problem is this: In order to develop a vaccine that protects against several types, strains, or viruses, researchers need to find alternatives that protect them. everything it is similar to what our immune system does. Then he must incorporate the substance into the vaccine. With the flu, for example, each new strain comes with a slight change in hemogglutinin, a hammer-shaped protein on the surface of the virus that binds to the lung cells. Because each hemagglutinin is different — researchers divide the flu viruses according to how different these proteins are — the global flu vaccine study has focused on trying to improve the body’s immune system from a modified protein head to a handle, to a lesser extent. modified stem.

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