The Fall of Facebook From Grace Looking More Like Ford

But the idea that Facebook’s technical foundation has to be so complex that it can’t be illuminated, and its type of business is moving so fast that it can’t be delayed, is ultimately plagued by its indisputable threats. A number of negative consequences, ranging from the political transition to free elections to violence against minorities to harm young people, even disrupting public health information to prolong and exacerbate the epidemic, have undermined the company’s exciting myths.

In the case of the US automotive company, the need for regulatory and regulatory authorities to ensure compliance was not immediately clear. The importance and wisdom of carefully managing architecture, rather than relying on speculation that consumer choice is the key to avoiding harm, became known decades after the breakdown and years of publicity in music and research.

Like the ubiquitous internet platform, Detroit mid-20th century produced something that many Americans feel they can never afford and quickly relied on. As urban dwellers covered the suburbs, electoral divisions disrupted towns and encouraged clean air traffic. As a result, owning one or more cars was very important to a growing number of Americans. Government and state funds began to build more roads to ensure that traffic congestion was not banned, albeit – or even to the detriment of those who could not afford to buy cars or were banned from nearby areas and destroyed by areas known to seek alternative access to highways and suburbs.

Meanwhile, the Big Three was once again seen as immovable, roaming the U.S. with the help of powerful business and government interests, where it also operates illegally, against public interest and public safety, a much bigger benefit.

Bombshell was acquired by lawyer and attorney Ralph Nader in 1965 the best seller Unprotected Any run began to explode during a public address in the US, traffic controllers stood before Congress. He told Americans and their representatives that they were doing everything possible to make cars safer and more secure and that there was little they could do to address the problems they were creating. Officials have mocked the lack of public safety and often say they are unaware of the magnitude of the things their customers are destroying. Their response was, frankly, a deception to save profits and to ban laws for a long time. Ford’s president at the time, Arjay Miller, made clear how his Lincoln Continental was safe enough to save his life after a road accident – the doors did not crack, the fuel tank did not explode, and Miller escaped unharmed. He promised to ensure that Ford does all it can in the coming years to improve security.

But for many years later, Ford instead cut security, creating cars like Ford Pinto that removed big safety equipment to get to the market quickly and reduced production costs to make a bigger profit. In 1977, the famous Ford Pinto “memo, ”Revealed by Jones’ mother investigative journalists, describes in detail the company’s high cost of past and future risks. According to the memorandum, the horrific deaths and burns that the Pinto people suffered in the past are the result of legal losses because, once the charges are paid, they come at a cost to repair Pinto’s structure so that the fuel tank does not explode. The program of price about repairing its design was $ 11 per car. After public pressure by the government, it was finally achieved through a memorandum created by the newly formed National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Nowadays, similar incidents are taking place in the area of ​​Big Tech — a term that has changed dramatically on platforms run by advertisers and arbitrage companies that reduce the cost of goods and services and squeeze both staff and consumers. Writers of whistleblowers from several companies, most of whom were women and most of them black women, entered the role that Nader held in the 60s — from Ifeoma Ozoma, who represented Pinterest and later worked for make rules banning the practice of anonymous prosecution of prosecutors in California, and Timnit Gebru, who warned the world of Google’s lack of commitment to AI, to Sophie Zhang and now Frances Haugen. In all of these cases, companies have also tried to silence, burn, or humiliate their employees, and to prevent their harassment of black women.

The need to change power systems in the region is not only important for the people but also for democracy: As Haugen’s testimony last week has shown, Facebook paid off its huge profits not only to fix the known problems but to avoid being found to be the cause of the problems. And like Arjay Miller, Mark Zuckerberg has said everything that is needed to delay and break the rules.

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