My Latest Evening Routine With 2 Kids & A Full Life

One thing that is non-negotiable for me is having a routine that is FLEXIBLE. I’ve shared my morning and evening routines on here before, but like so many things in life– when the dynamic or schedule in my life shifts, so does the routine. I have two babes now, a bustling business + life… and most days end with a tired body but a happy, grateful heart that THIS is my life. Those things I’ve dreamed of forever– a fulfilling family, home, business and personal life– are here, now.

Sometimes it’s easy to take the little everyday things for granted, and some days are more challenging and tricky than others. But I find that slowing down with intention each night and doing a few small acts to take care of ME (and my nervous system) can bring me back to that place of gratitude. AND help me sleep great, which is *KEY* when you have busy days to jump into each morning.

Today I wanted to share my current evening routine— again, this is meant to be flexible and filled with nourishing acts that fill my cup up again… but I don’t do every single one every single night! If you’re wanting to build your own evening routine, remember that it can be whatever you want it to be or need it to be that night. You can add more things if you have time (or had a stressful or longer day), or remove some if you don’t have the energy and would rather just go to bed, or watch a little show and talk with your love.

Today I’m sharing what works for me lately and helps me CHILL OUT, wind down, clear the energy from the day and take care of my nervous system (and therefore hormones, etc) before bedtime. It’s a lesson that took me a while to learn – that small daily acts of love and care for yourself can really prevent so many bigger things in our bodies, moods, mental health, etc.

So I hope you can take something you end up loving from it! Here’s to more happy, relaxing, restful evenings.

My current evening routine to wind down for sleep

Here’s what I generally like to do after the babies are both fed, bathed & in bed for the night!

Bath or Shower (every night): I take an epsom salt bath on the nights when I need a little extra love & care. It’s great for clearing energy (on an energetic level for my woo-woo friends), relaxing your muscles and it helps so much for deeper sleep! Side note: double check the ingredients on your epsom salts. You want unscented and fragrance free for sure! If not a bath, I def at least take a shower in the evening, to clear the energy from the day (and usually the kid food, and running around sweat I’ve accumulated throughout the day, lol). For extra, I add a drop of spearmint or peppermint essential oil.

Dry brush (sometimes): while the bath fills or before a shower, I’ll do a quick dry brush all over my body. This helps with circulation and your lymph system, namely helping the lymph fluid move better so your body can continue its healthy natural detox process. Bonus points: it exfoliates naturally and is so quick to do. It’s recommended you start from the outer limbs first and work your way towards your heart for the best results.

My nightly face cleansing oil cleansing routine (every night): to hydrate and rebalance the skin, cleanse without stripping natural oils, which feels so luxurious and calming. To do: Use a dropper to squeeze out 1/2 dropper full of yours cleansing oil and rub on your dry face (slowly if you can). Massage around. Get in the shower if you’re taking one, or get a soft hot washcloth ready sink-side if you’re not (I love these ones). I love to let the whole cloth steam over my face first, then wipe away as I go. My favorite all natural, non-toxic face oil is this one, hands down. But sometimes I alternate with this one just to mix it up sometimes (which our skin loves!). (Get 10% off everything from Primally Pure, with the code “simplyrealhealth” at checkout).

Face mask (sometimes): I do this on nights where I need or want a little extra, and usually while the bath is filling up. Post oil cleansing. ? Then I leave on for the whole bath, wiping away before I get out. My favorite masks on rotation are: this one (for plumping and hydration), this one (for soothing, healing & extra relaxation) and this dual detox one if I need some smoothing. Or make your own here with manuka honey which I love to do! (For 10% off anything from Primally Pure, just use the code “simplyrealhealth” at checkout),

Face Serum or Lotion (every night): I rotate these nightly, or every few days. My always favs are: this finger lime serumthis plumping serum (smells like a bouquet of flowers), and this whipped butter texture rose day cream. For 10% off anything from Primally Pure, just use the code “simplyrealhealth” at checkout.

Body Oil or Lotion (most nights): You know this one is mine favorite natural body oil of all time. I seriously look forward to it every night, post shower. I also just tried theirs anti-aging body balm and it’s delightful too. Use the code “simplyrealhealth” for 10% off anything Osea.

Magnesium (every night): This one tiny habit has helped me soooo much when it comes to great consistent sleep, feeling calm most days and having great digestion. It’s a wonder mineral, but not all kinds of magnesium are the same. Right now I use this kind the most, but probably wouldn’t recommend it for all people because it doesn’t taste great (lol, no stevia and other flavors to cover it up like other brands). They do make capsules though too (which are great for travel!). Look for glycinate or bi-glycinate forms for the best absorption into your body. Other great brands to look at: Seeking Health (which I love and also use often), Thorne and Pure Encapsulations.

Calming herbal tea (sometimes, and usually more in the fall/winter): I love naturally sweeter blends this time of night, almost like a little dessert (aka, instead of dessert). Right now I’m loving this oneor a fennel tea (so great for digestion too!) and love adding a tiiiiiny bit of this superfood honey which helps with immunity and healing. Use the code “simplyrealhealth” for 20% off your beekeepers naturals order. I love their immune throat spray and the kids throat spray too!

5 Minute Journal (most nights): I love starting my day this way, and ending it with theirs night section. Among the questions: what was your favorite part of today? And what did you learn today? It’s a great (quick) way to reflect and make sure your actions are lining up with your intentions. Also a great way to mime what’s bringing you the most joy lately, and to help you include more of those things in your life.

Red light reading light & book time (every night): this red light reading light is my favorite thing. Red light helps your body wind down and relax (white and blue light stimulate your brain and hormones to stay awake, thus why screen time before bed really puts a damper on great sleep). I love that this light allows me to read (which helps me fall asleep so quickly), without messing up my body’s natural sleep mechanisms. Turn off any backlights on your kindles too (this is the one I have now and love it!) and use this instead! (PS, if you’re looking for a great read, check out our recent Team SRH summer book club blog post!)

CBD drops (sometimes): some nights, when I know I might have more trouble falling asleep, am stressed or I can’t turn my brain off (even after all of the above!). I’ve been experimenting a bit again with CBD as my nursing schedule lightens up a bit, and I love it in small doses. I’ve been doing this one currently (and I love that they include a free consultation for everyone to figure out your ideal dosage too). I take the tiiiiiniest bit when I do, and I def notice a difference. I also love this company, too. We’ve got a code too for 15% off, just use the code “simplyrealhealth” at checkout.

CBD balm (sometimes): with my back going out a few weeks ago, this has also been so helpful before bed, or anytime you have physical body aches or pains (headaches, cramps, etc). This one has been great!

Eye mask & earplugs (every night): I literally won’t leave home without them and have converted so many people to these. You sleep SO DEEP, which means you are rested and refreshed in the morning. And I don’t know what’s more priceless than that. (And yes, so many people ask me if I can hear my kids. Yes. I can hear them AND I can also sleep deeply with these. I love these earplugs the most, and this face mask because it doesn’t smash your eyelashes in, and leaves room to open your eyes if you want to.

Sleep is SO important to your overall health, mood & daily energy, so I hope some of these ideas inspire you to take your night time routines to the next level, and see the difference it can make in your daily life.


Want to test out my favorite self care/skincare products for healthy, glowing skin + body?

Check out my all-time favorite natural skincare HERE (masks, oil cleanser, dry brush, gua sha, nat deodorant & sooo much more) and use “simplyrealhealth” at checkout for 10% off.

Browse my curated selection of clean beauty/makeup/skin picks at another favorite brand HERE.

Try the best, holistically created CBD products on the market (bonus points that it’s a woman owned small biz!) HERE.

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