Remember in California: Gavin Newsom is facing voters vying to become ambassador

Updates of Gavin Newsom

Voters in California go to the polls Tuesday to see if Democrat Gavin Newsom will become the third governor in U.S. history to be reinstated.

Commenting on the Democrat’s demands, President Joe Biden traveled to California on Monday to appear with Newsom in Sacramento and the port city of Long Beach, where the first ambassador held his final meeting before voting.

“California, you have to keep Gavin Newsom your ambassador,” Biden told a crowd in Long Beach. “Don’t ignore anything.”

After a lengthy election campaign, Newsom said attracted another aid finally. A recent FiveThirtyEight poll showed 57.4% of California voters want to “retain” the ambassador and 41.5% want to “remove him”.

The governor is facing 46 opponents in the by-elections, which ask voters two questions: “Should Newsom be remembered?” and “Regardless of how you voted for the first question, who should replace you?”

For Newsom to overcome memory, many answer “No” to the first question. If he does not achieve this, the candidate who has the most votes in the second question shall use all his time.

The study puts Larry Elder, an independent radio presenter, as the frontrunner for Newsom.

Other supporters include Kevin Faulconer, a former Republican mayor of San Diego, John Cox, a Republican businessman that Newsom defeated in 2019 and real TV presenter Caitlyn Jenner, who is running as a Republican. Kevin Paffrath, owner of the YouTube show, is one of Democrats Newsom’s critics.

Investigators say Newsom’s slow decline in voting was due to a surprise by Democrats in anticipation of a victory by President Trump, an ally of Trump who opposes abortion rights and has vowed to end California jobs with the vaccine.

Biden challenged the President, comparing his views on climate change, women’s rights and so on with what Donald Trump, former President, said. “Maybe you can keep Gavin Newsom as your ambassador or find Donald Trump,” he said. “It’s not a joke.”

The official concluded his speech on Monday night by urging his supporters to go to the polls, saying “we will win this thing if we vote”, the AP said.

But the Seniors’ campaign also began to spread false voter voting in California, with Trump claiming that the election was “rigged”.

Republicans have not won elections in California since 2006, which is why Tuesday is crucial in a party-run campaign to remember Newsom. Voters in a democracy control when they vote.

Newsom saw five Republican-led trials to remember him. In the sixth attempt, he found enough signature after eating unannounced at The French Laundry restaurant while urging people to abstain. His stand fell in the middle of frustration with Covid-19 government restrictions, including the temporary closure of a public school and the ban on eating out.

Opponents also criticized his response to the drought, wildfires and homelessness that plagued California.

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Only two U.S. governors were remembered: Lynn Frazier of North Dakota in 1921 and Gray Davis of California, an infamous Democrat who was defeated by Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2003.

Since the defeat of Davis, the formerly powerful California Republican party has disappeared with the rise of various forms of government. Democrat candidates now outnumber two Republicans to one.

The first vote cost the government more than $ 275m, and even if Newsom wins, it will be re-elected next year. Regardless of the outcome, state Democrats are expected to try to change California’s 110-year rule of law in memory.

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