The missile test also sets North Korea’s threats

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) – North Korea says it tested positive for what it described as long-range weapons this weekend, which also raised concerns that its nuclear leaders are building their own weapons against US allies in South Korea. and Japan.

Experts are considering what the missile tests show on the ambitions of North Northern Governor Kim Jong Un, and whether this is a threat.


Design of Artists

Experts say the arrows launched over the weekend resemble US Tomahawk arrows, and were probably designed to defeat North Korean weapons.

In the north, he described the weapons he described as “new missiles” as “the most important weapon” that fulfilled what President Kim Jong Un had called for to strengthen the military – meaning they were designed with the intention of carrying nuclear weapons.

The Korea Central News Agency of Korea reported Monday that the missiles flew for 126 minutes following a “cross-and-8 walk” above the surface with water, indicating a target of hitting a target of 1,500 kilometers (932 miles).

While North Korea has tested anti-aircraft missiles in the past, the missiles from its most recent tests are probably built with a variety of designs and engines that provide functionality and functionality, experts say.



While these tests are limited, it is clear that the new arrows represent “another important factor in North Korea’s nuclear arsenal,” said Melissa Hanham, a co-founder at the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University.

North Korean authorities have to go to the rescue of their weapons and ships, Hanham added, as they try to develop new nuclear weapons.

“Arms are like small planes – they can be accurate,” Hanham said. “They can turn around. They can go to valleys where radars cannot be easily seen. It could be a major problem for South Korea and Japan to monitor. ”

Seoul, Washington and Tokyo are said to be testing the latest tests in the north but have not released special tests from their military.



Kim has unilaterally banned North Korea’s attempts to test a nuclear bomb with long-range American missiles since 2018 when he launched talks with former President Donald Trump over his attempts to use his weapons.

However, the North continues to pursue policies that threaten conflict in the region.

While Kim has maintained a stalemate in nuclear and long-term tests after negotiating with Trump in 2019, the North’s experiments are testing large-scale explosive devices for explosive missiles from underground missiles.

Experts say the weapons pose a threat to South Korea and Japan because they could be thrown quickly into a vehicle and run on twisted legs that make it difficult for security to detect and block.



While the new weapons could increase North Korea’s ability to fight its Asian enemies, the press release of its correspondents underscores the need for technical reforms, says Lee Choon Geun, an honorary expert and honorary researcher at South Korea’s Science and Technology Policy. Institute.

The equipment was not delayed, even on landmark measures, traveling about 200 meters (218 yards) per second. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

Accurate news will not be limited if the North is able to deal with nuclear weapons, Lee added.

“South Korea must have one of the world’s largest security bases, but it would be difficult to respond if North Korea detonates its weapons, short missiles, submarines and massive missiles at the same time,” Lee said.


Kim’s explosion?

North Korea’s latest test came before Biden North Korea’s special envoy, Sung Kim, to meet with South Korean and Japanese allies in Tokyo this week to discuss North Korea’s nuclear-banned nuclear talks.

In a recent political statement, Kim promised to strengthen nuclear weapons as his government rejected Biden’s offer of talks, urging Washington to change its “bad” policy first.

Kim, however, may be looking to get back on the table, as he faces the toughest tests in his nearly decade-long reign, as North Korea stabilizes the border between the coronavirus, and there is no hope of an end to international sanctions.

While naval power is against Washington, the tests may indicate that the North is fighting dangerous weapons – such as submarines, says Du Hyeogn Cha, a researcher at the Seoul Institute for Policy Study in Seoul. .

He also questioned whether the naval force could increase North Korea’s power against its neighbors unless North Korea showed its ability to pull them off the water.

“If North Korea could have done that, it would have been a show by now,” Cha said.

“It is possible that the North may have hit the wall skillfully and is squeezing what it can,” he added.

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