Yemen says Houthis have hit relief port in the Red Sea | Houthis Stories

There have been no reports of attacks on the port of al-Makha on the west coast of Yemen.

Yemeni authorities say Houthi militants have fired five rounds of ammunition into the Red Sea port, destroying property.

The Foreign Ministry said on Saturday that the attack was taking place on the al-Makha port off the west coast of Yemen.

No one was injured, but a report from the ministry said that the demonstration “severely damaged” the harbor area and burned down warehouses of other aid agencies. It did not specify who will store the goods at the port.

Southwest is very important to order and send services. The port is said to have reopened the business last month after it rebuilt and renovated.

The attacks are said to be by the Houthis, who in recent weeks have intensified their attacks on government property, as well as border attacks on neighboring Saudi Arabia.

The rebels did not blame the rebels.

Yemen has been embroiled in a civil war since 2014 when the Houthis seized the capital, Sanaa, and much of the northern part of the country, forcing President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s government to flee to the south, then to Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi-led army entered the war in March 2015, with the support of the United States, to try to regain Hadi power, and to throw its support behind its international-backed government. Despite the ongoing war and fighting, the war has been severely disrupted and has resulted in what the United Nations calls a major global crisis.

Saturday’s attack on al-Makha harbor came after the new UN ambassador to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, said on Friday that the poorest Arab country was “deeply entrenched in war”. He warned that resuming peace talks would not be easy.

Earlier this year, the Houthis reunited with the central city of Marib, but failed to perform well and suffered serious injuries. He also founded Saudi Arabia.

Last month, a bomber-carrying plane crashed at an airport in southwestern Saudi Arabia, injuring eight people and destroying a fighter jet, an attack the regime criticized the Houthis.

The Saudi offensive came just days after arrows and drones stormed the southern part of Yemen, killing 30 Saudi-backed Yemeni soldiers.

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