The Russian-Belarus war games are impressive in the West

Russia is changing

Russia is planning to use military games this week with Belarus to increase its influence on neighboring factions and increase its military capabilities at Nato member states, Western advisers have warned.

Seven days Zapad-2021 Actions, which began on Friday, involves thousands of troops from both countries and tests of similar weapons to resolve conflict with the western enemy, and comes amid pressure from the Kremlin to form a close alliance with Minsk.

“Zapad is well-matched: a strong Russia, expanding its military capabilities and its presence in the war near our borders,” said Jens Stoltenberg, Nato’s secretary general.

The project, which has been taking place every four years, comes just months after Russia, without warning, met about 100,000 soldiers, tanks, planes and ships near the border with Ukraine. Moscow said it was strange to try to test the military’s preparation, but most of the weapons are still near the border, large western heads that see it as a permanent group.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for a comprehensive political, economic and security agreement with Belarus in recent years, and has provided additional funding for political leader Alexander Lukashenko last year.

Western military officials say the Kremlin has expanded to Minsk, with the integration of advanced arms and communications training, supporting Russia’s military force 650km west, on the Polish border.

“Russia’s hope is that it will be able to close all existing gaps in terms of reform and regulation… [Zapad] the object is built around, “the western chief told FT.

“It is clear that the agreement that the Russian side wants… Is the one that gives them greater power over everything [military] strong, “said the chief.” It’s a stable stable. “

The great red flag of the Western military would be as if the Russian military or any other weapon “will last forever, if it is integrated forever”, the official said. “If the work is finished, and the soldiers go home, it is necessary. . . similar to the summer in Ukraine: what are the residues? ”

Both Putin and Lukashenko say the drills are not aimed at an external enemy, but have a reason for what they say. expanded Nato’s military operations within their boundaries. In May and June 28,000 Nato soldiers took part in the alliance at Defender Europe in 16 countries in southern and eastern Europe, sparking Kremlin outrage.

Kalle Laanet, Estonia’s Ministry of Defense, said this year’s exercise was well-known due to the “huge increase” in shipments to Belarus, as well as the deployment of Russian troops in five regions of Belarus.

“Belarus, which continues to grow in power, by all means, is the Kremlin government. Alexander Lukashenko will not be able to resist the offer of his savior, Vladimir Putin,” Laanet told reporters in the state media on Saturday.

Zapad’s war games, which will end on Thursday, have combined Platform-M anti-aircraft robots equipped with grenade launchers and machine guns, which Russian media outlets say was the first to be used.

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