Iran allows new memory cards on UN nuclear cameras

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) – Iran agreed on Sunday to allow international observers to place new memory cards in its nuclear detergent cameras and continue filming there, banning demonstrations this week.

The announcement by Mohammad Eslami of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran after a meeting with the director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi, in Tehran leaves the same guard since February, however.

Tehran is holding a recording on its site as US-Iran talks on a return to the 2015 nuclear weapons deal were confirmed in Vienna. Meanwhile, Iran is developing a very small amount of uranium to make it more clean as its weapons grow.

“I am pleased to say that today we have achieved a very positive result, which is in line with the continuation of the organisation’s weapons operations here,” Grossi said. It is very important for us to provide the necessary assurance and information and to go to the IAEA and to the world that everything is fine. ”

Eslami described the talks between Iran and the IAEA from Vienna as “extremely artistic” without political affiliation. He also said Grossi would return to Iran soon to speak with officials, without elaborating. What was not mentioned was that Iran would provide the old records, which Tehran had previously threatened to destroy.

“Memory cards were printed and stored in Iran according to custom,” Esmaili said. ”New memory cards will be installed on cameras. This is how things work with the organization. ”

The joint document issued by the IAEA and Iran affirmed this, stating that “the means and the time and the nature of the agreement between the two parties.”

The announcement could buy time in Iran ahead of the IAEA summit this week as Western powers clashed over Tehran’s refusal to comply with foreign policy. Eslami said Iran would take part in the summit.

The IAEA told its member states in its confidential report last week that its monitoring and evaluation activities had been “disrupted” since February by Iran’s refusal to allow visitors to use their surveillance equipment.

The IAEA said some monitoring and evaluation equipment could not be left on for more than three months without assistance. This month he was given the opportunity to have four surveillance cameras in one place, but one of the cameras was damaged and the second was badly damaged, the agency said.

In Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Nafatli Bennett has urged international governments not to “fall into the trap of Iran’s deceptive tactics that could lead to their being accepted” because of the increase.

“You don’t have to give up touring and the most important thing, the most important message is that there has to be a limit,” Bennett said. Iran “continues, we must set a deadline for what it says: so far.”

From Riyadh, high officials from Saudi Arabia and Austria both complained about Iran’s actions, while Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg spoke of “Iran’s failure to allow nuclear weapons inspections.”


Gambrell also quoted from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Associated Press correspondents Ilan Ben Zion in Jerusalem and Isabel DeBre in Dubai contributed to the report.

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