Washington is poised to fall into the trap of Kim Jong Un, again

HHow many times will the United States pay North Korea to shut down the same nuclear weapons? The answer so far is three, although Biden White House seems ready to make four.

North Korea once again to resume his Yongbyon weapons machine in July after two and a half years of sleep deprivation. In order to earn the money expected, Kim Jong Un seems to be following the same book that his father and grandfather fled to the US all their time as a dictator.

The goal is simple: Introduce challenges to Washington’s assurance that the next possible election is a coalition or a war. Instead, it is already working. White House press secretary Jen Psaki he said Late last month the new mission at Yongbyon “affirms the need for urgent dialogue and dialogue in order to achieve the full annihilation of the Korean Peninsula.”

A good measure, Kim’s dictators also say refund plutonium from pre-2018 machinery for the manufacture of other nuclear weapons. One reasoning shows that Pyongyang already has between 20 and 60 nuclear weapons. If Joe Biden continues to follow Kim’s writings, his North Korean policies should fail just as he did.

The machines, as well as Yongbyon’s headquarters, have played a key role in negotiations in US-North Korea since 1994. The machines could become the world’s most important nuclear weapon, as US presidents continue to provide Kim’s family with money and sanctions.

Bill Clinton almost went fighting a war with North Korea in 1993-1994 to prevent Kim Il Sung and his son Kim Jong Il from accessing the noisy products of the machine. These problems were “resolved” by former President Jimmy Carter discussed parts of what can be 1994 Cooperation Agreement feared, but did not eliminate, the nuclear threat. Converting Yongbyon, Washington dedicated producing two nuclear weapons in Pyongyang as part of a multi-billion dollar project.

George W. Bush he announced in 2002 that the Kim regime was part of the “Evil Alliance” but later discussed same air agreement in September 2005. For more than a year, Pyongyang to be done his first test of nuclear weapons. Bush eventually paid North Korea $ 2.5 million for that to destroy cooling reactor platform, although this has not changed the functionality.

Barack Obama came to the so-called Performing a Leap Day on Feb. 29, 2012, stopping and blocking Yongbyon’s ignition in exchange for assistance. The agreement was broken after only six weeks in North Korea he found a shotgun. Obama has turned his back on the nuclear deal with Iran while revising his North Korean policy as one of the “mental patience. This gave Kim Jong Un enough time to develop his own nuclear program, in full in a three-dimensional test of the 2017 Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Styles Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Stone Straight Strait Strait Strait Strait Stra.

Kim volunteered cut Yongbyon’s weapons base at its 2019 summit in Hanoi with Donald Trump, but only in exchange for closer sanctions. Trump made the right call and he walked away from the negotiations because Yongbyon is the only nuclear power plant in North Korea. However instead of continuing to push after Hanoi, Trump introduced policies similar to those of Obama.

At the start of Yongbyon’s film, Kim wants Biden to feel pressured to negotiate a speedy deal. Meanwhile, the Biden group has been urging North Korea publicly and privately to respond to the talks.

Biden, like many who watched him, ordered reviewing points in North Korea when it first became operational. In April, Easter He said supervisors followed a “consistent, effective approach that could be opened up and discussed with [North Korea]. ”Overseers they charge it is as if in the middle of the principles of the two leaders, but the thirst for unity, which Pyongyang calls “action,” is like the North Korean policy of the late Bush and Obama’s early years, or Iran’s late-year policy.

Kim sees the Biden talks with Iran and should love what they see. Biden is ready to do so give it to me Iran, which does not have a nuclear weapon, is a frequent relief from the return to a nuclear deal that has ended with few restrictions and can be revoked by its successor. There seems to be not enough champagne in North Korea for Kim to celebrate her chance: An American president willing to pay off enemies on the promise that they will not shut down their nuclear weapons programs.

Biden’s misguided approach to Iran also comes with some consequences. There is no way Kim can accept a nuclear deal that is more complicated than Biden’s offer to Iran. Instead of falling short, surprisingly, Biden’s alliance with Iran, as he thinks, could end anything that could push Pyongyang to change arms.

In addition, Biden has already provided relief for Kim de facto. North Korea’s final sanctions were printed by the Treasure department in December 2020. There has been nothing since Biden took office. However, if the restrictions are not enforced continuously, they will deteriorate. North Korea he continues its operations to replicate and to develop its programs for nuclear weapons and missiles. Pyongyang also finds new ways to produce escape penalties.

In 2016, Congress imitation a draft law on North Korea unanimously, proving that North Korea is a special threat. Obama saw fit to sign, and his superiors began to impose sanctions. However Biden ignores the order. Congress should force regulators to explain why Kim has to persevere in this way as it continues to develop nuclear weapons and missile weapons that it connects with in America and our country.

Kim’s main goal is to reunite the Korean island under his control. And as he prepares for Biden’s departure from Afghanistan, it is necessary to ask him: Is the United States committed to protecting South Korea? If Biden is determined to leave the United States and Afghanistan behind, how strong will it be in the fight against a country that threatens US and the United States itself with a nuclear strike? Will Biden sell San Francisco in Seoul? Kim could have tried Biden’s patience, and things could be dangerous on the island soon.

The good news is that there is still time for Biden to make his way to North Korea. It can also give him a chance. If he wants to save his foreign mind after the Afghan fiasco, what better way than to show that he now understands the cost of allowing the enemy to explain what he is doing?

Anthony Ruggiero is a senior associate at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. He had previously served in the U.S. government for more than 19 years, including the North Korean director of the U.S. National Security Council. Follow Anthony on Twitter @NatSecAnthony. The FDD is a Washington, DC, research agency, independent of national security and foreign policy.

Washington Examiner movies

Tags: North Korea, Kim Jong Un, Nuclea weapons

Original Author: Anthony Ruggiero

First place: Washington is poised to fall into the trap of Kim Jong Un, again

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