In a new photo shoot, Gigi Hadid shared photos of daughter Khai on her first birthday in September.
Gigi HadidThe August photo booth has some surprises. The 26-year-old model shared a summer photo carousel on Instagram on the last day of the hot summer Tuesday – and at the cemetery are photos and photos of her daughter Khai, which opens September 1st.
Between the pool and the flowers, baby Khai can be seen in six pictures on the Hadid family farm in Pennsylvania. The tribe carries her daughter, who shares it with a friend Zayn Malik, in one black-and-white photo as he approaches a stamp of horses on the spot. In one, a space shooter picks up blocks that describe “11 months” as little Khai approaches the toy. Mr. Zayn is also pictured in the photo booth, carrying a red ribbon from the field.
Former One Direction actress and singer has announced the arrival of Khai on September 23 last year. Zayn wrote on Twitter, “The love I feel for this little person is incomprehensible. Thank you for knowing her, proud to call her, and thank you for the life we will have together.” our country. “
In conversation with Celebrities in February, for example explained birth control choices at home in Pennsylvania. When she first wanted to be born in a New York hospital, epidemics would not allow her mother Yolanda and a sister Bella Staying with him in the room, makes him change direction. “I knew I was in excruciating pain in my life, but you have to commit to them and be like, ‘This is what it is.’ I loved it, ”he said.
“There was always where I lived, I wondered what it would be like with the disease, how different it would be,” continued Gigi. “My midwife looked at me and was like, ‘You’re doing it. No one can help you. You’ve been through the illness, so you’re pushing the same on the hospital bed … I know my mom and Zayn and Bella were proud of me, but sometimes I saw them all scared.”
Last month, participants spoke to them Harper’s Bazaar for life at home with his daughter with a friend, revealing that the trio travel long distances, listen to Bollywood music, and sing Arabian songs. “He loves birds, animals,” Khai said. “It’s nice to be outside after the winter.”