Click Here To Register To Become A Beta tester
After three years and bringing you the best information on education, nutrition, and health, Breaking Muscle now brings you more – in eBook format!
This fall we are officially launching our eBook publishing, but before we do that, we need to yours Help. We are looking for beta testers to test our first existing eBook programs.
What You Need To Know To Become A Beta-Tester
A little knowledge is important, but dedication is very important. In order to participate, you will be trained and assisted on top of receiving the best programs.
We rely on your feedback.
We are looking for healthy, active people to complete a 12-week program in the following programs:
- Kettlebell training for women
- Training body weight for both men and women
- Exercise with kettlebells
- Abdominal exercises
What you need:
- Pictures and measurements before and after.
- Regularly report / report on your results and experiences.
- Commitment of 12 weeks not more than three times a week to exercise and no more than 60 minutes per day. (There will also be additional exercise, yoga and recovery options, as well.)
Limited beta-tester sites are available for each program.
To sign up for your free program and tutorial, please take our brief survey. (It will only take two or three minutes!)
Click Here To Register To Become A Beta tester
Note Become a Beta Test and Get Free Education! appeared for the first time Muscle Fracture.