U.S. stocks earn less profit in the middle of the epidemic

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The U.S. stock market has lowered the lowest share for a quarter since the epidemic hit global markets last year, as traders met with the fact that some of the long-term executives are about to end.

The list of major S&P 500 blue companies has ended a quarter to 0.2% – a long cry from investors accustomed to the previous meeting last year and a half. Losses in September, when the figure performed the best for the month since the crisis hit last year, were about to pull the S&P 500 red for a while.

Proof of the performance was that the more than 260 companies on the list made a profit during that time, including heavyweights such as Amazon and Facebook.

Current trends show that women are realizing that the main program of the conference will soon be phased out: monthly central bank spending that has helped raise stock and bond prices. The Federal Reserve revealed after a recent legislative meeting last week that the economy was large enough to resume its bond-buying program and ultimately raise interest rates.

“The game has worked to the point where it will never work and if not. . . I can see something very cruel, “said Mike Lewis, head of US equity marketing at Barclays.” I can see a real downturn in the market. You have had 14 years of working closely with one of the world’s largest banks. ”

A growing list of problems is increasing at the end of the quarter, and changes from central banks around the world which can disrupt the revenue it generates selling on the retail market which entered the $ 50tn US market.

The divisions of the medical and financial services companies continued, with the S&P 500 offered by some of its largest segments, including Tesla and Google the Alphabet.

But a look at the financial situation in the economic world made it clear at the end of the quarter. Although small caps and movements that are critical to economic growth lasted a quarter, they all began to win the highly regulated S&P 500 in the last days of September.

The Benchmark S&P 500 collapsed for the first time each month since January with a sharp decline since March 2020 when the epidemic hit the global financial markets.

“Markets have been active, but energy has not been widespread and there has been some volatility,” said Ralph Bassett, head of North American corporations in Abrdn, a $ 700bn treasurer.

Despite the many concerns, stocks will remain a port for broker-dealers and retailers, with US purchases accounting for more than $ 40bn a quarter, according to early EPFR data.

Flexible market trends have increased after declining from the surface where it hit earlier in the year. The volatile trade was sparked by fears of a possible change in Chinese stocks Evergrande it could be volatile, as well as how the recession will reach the markets.

Bassett said his economy was really strong, but investors were struggling to reconcile “the conflict between the desire to be seen in growth, and the rise in interest rates and thus lower prices that could be like a flu”.

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