The strange death of American democracy

“The American ‘Caesar’ has now become a human being.” I have written this in March 2016, even before Donald Trump was elected Republican to be president. Today, the transition to democracy has progressed. By 2024, it could be the same. When this happens, it will change almost everything in the world.

No one has ever spoken of these dangers forcibly Robert Kagan. Its argument can be reduced to two main points. First, the Republican party is not defined by ideology, but by their loyalty to Trump. Second, the amateur movement of “stop stealing” past elections has now made for a progressive project. Part of that work is to remove officials who opposed Trump’s efforts to change the results in 2020. But his main goal is to shift responsibility in the election results to Republican-run parliament.

As a result, health permits, Trump will be the next Republican leader. He will be supported by the party that is now his weapon. Most importantly, in the words of a David Frum, former secretary of George W Bush, “what the United States did not have before 2020 was a large group of people who wanted to justify military violence to seize political power. Now it is happening.” It does this because its members believe opponents not “real” Americans. A free democracy can endure for a long time if the main party believes that defeat is unwarranted and should be made impossible.

Here is a political leader himself He removed his opponent from office. He trusts himself in the face of unjust persecution, explains the facts to his followers and insists that legitimate choices are the winners. Legal challenges are approaching. The 2024 election, warns Kagan, could lead to “chaos. Just imagine that it takes weeks for people to compete in a number of states where lawmakers from both sides claim victory and accuse each other of illegally.”

Just imagine that Trump is being re-elected, legitimately or fraudulently. One has to think that his foolish and incompetent use of force in the first place will never be repeated. They must now understand that they will need faithful volunteers, who will be numerous, to oversee the justice, home security, internal finance, intelligence, and security departments. He will put his trust in his commanders to oversee the army. At the very least, he has taken his loyal Republican party, as it will be, to ensure the people he voted for, if they have a majority of the Senate, as it should be.

Similarly, they will use coercion to serve the rich and famous to bring them to the line. Crony capitalism is one of the possibilities. Ask Hungarians who live in a “meaningless democracy” under a the father is admired by US experts.

“The American people – and all politicians except a few – have refused to take this opportunity to curb it,” Kagan said. “As is often the case in some countries where Fascist leaders have risen, their opponents have been confused by the grievances and surprises of these oppressors.”

Just think of what happened during Trump’s campaign against the 2020 elections and how Republican lawmakers and activists fought to prevent anyone important, above all, from Trump, from being prosecuted. The only players punished were those who denied or criticized. Republicans have already crossed their Rubicon.

Why has this happened? The answer is a combination of greed, prestige, and anger in a multicultural world and a economy that has not provided opportunities for human development. This has established a well-known alliance made by some “other” foreigners, praising the country, protecting the rich and worshiping the great leader. Seventy-seven percent of Republicans think negatively about the riskier vaccine than Covid-19 itself. This is the measure of the tribes.

Can the fall of a free democracy in the US be prevented? Probably. But it will not be as easy as many think from Trump’s failed attempts to change what the 2020 elections have done. He is overseeing his party. If politics gives Republicans control of the House and the Senate, they will all be protected and sent by Congress from 2022. Instead, they have a majority in the Supreme Court. Republicans too overseeing all government departments in the 23rd, while Democrats control only 15. Kagan is hoping for a more comprehensive majority of Republican cinematographers to pass laws on voting and to challenge the courts to change the law. Yet even those who hate Trump remain loyal to the party. And, as the debt crisis has shown, they are determined to make Biden a failure.

Suppose Trump returns to power in 2024, eager to avenge his enemies, with the help of Congress and the Supreme Court. Of course, although this can be a combination. Trump is old: his passing could be the end of an oppressive era. But neither the elections nor the Republican Party will return to normal. The following is now a big party with some events.

The US is the only democratic power. The political changes that are taking place have a profound effect on democratic regimes everywhere, as well as the ability of the world to work together, such as climate change. In 2016, one can ignore these dangers. Today, one has to be blind to do this.

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