Marine Le Pen looks at French ‘Talibanised’ regions

Amendments to the election of the President of France

France’s right-wing leader, Marine Le Pen, has attacked “Pride” President Emmanuel Macron and promised to restore order in the so-called “housing areas” and “Talibanised” at the start of the 2022 election campaign.

“There will be no place in France where this law does not apply,” he told his anti-immigrant politicians from the Rassemblement National Party in Fréjus on the Mediterranean coast on Sunday. “We will deal with groups and the mafia and all, whether Muslims or not, who want to impose laws and practices that are not ours.”

Research shows that Le Pen and Macron, who have been on their own – who began their careers as “generous or not left” in 2017 but appear to have moved to the right in recent months – are leading the run-up to the April presidential election.

To the right and to the right have set the rules and regulations in place of their hearts – the issues raised at the start of last week’s trial over the 2015 Islamist insurgency in Paris and the arrival of Afghan refugees following the Taliban coup – Macron’s character is said to be fragmented and proud has been attacked by opposition politicians from right to left.

Anne Hidalgo, a Spanish-born mayor of Spanish descent, also launched her election in the northern city of Rouen on Sunday, promising to make France “better, stronger and more secure”.

Hidalgo is expected to win less than 10% of the vote in the first presidential election, compared to 20% for Macron and Le Pen, but is seen as tthen the right choice is for the Greens’ support as well as the left-hander while some 30 or 3 potential graduates eventually drop out of school. Last week he asked for help from the left, saying that teachers’ salaries could double.

“The end-time President’s work must include the French, but it has divided them more than ever,” Hidalgo told an audience at the Rouen port near the Seine River in a fight over Macron’s history. “They were supposed to solve mankind’s problems, but they multiplied them. They were supposed to protect our planet, but they neglected nature.”

Macron himself has not said he will be re-elected, but his advisers say he plans to stand up again and will differentiate himself in support of the Covid-19 epidemic and boldly address the financial crisis that has plagued Le Pen.

Under the French system, only two fighters make it to the second round and finish only after one has won the first half. Macron was the winner of his second fight with Le Pen in 2017, and he also expects to do the same next year, albeit a little bit, if he can meet him again.

Le Pen has “distorted” his party’s image since taking office from his anti-Semitic father Jean-Marie ten years ago. He also highlighted RN policies on racism and anti-EU hatred, but was hampered by the refusal of many French people to vote for a party that is extremist and is also known as the “National Front”.

That’s why he gave the party’s interest rates on Sunday to Jordan Bardella, a rising star in the party and a member of the European Parliament, and why his posters do not mention RN but only display his image with the words “Freedom, beloved of freedom”. He said he would like to make a form for Unity government when elected.

“We now know who Emmanuel Macron is and what he stands for,” he told reporters in Fréjus over the weekend as he set fire to France. “It seems the French want this choice between him and me. It is a choice between nationalism and patriotism.”

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